Whole30 Diet and a Sweet Potato & Broccoli Frittata
It's funny to me how everyone I know is eating "paleo" or doing the "Whole30" diet this month.
What happens in February when everyone goes back to their normal eating habits?
Since I don't eat much meat, the paleo thing doesn't work for me......but I do like the Whole30 concept.
I have always eaten healthy foods, "whole foods" as they are called now.
My mother was organic before we even knew what the word meant.
She never bought anything in a can or with preservatives. She always read labels.
We were only allowed one tuna sandwich per week, because of the high mercury content.
Artificial preservatives were a big no no in our house......and salt was not allowed on the table.
One pat of butter only on the baked potato.
She was into "whole foods" before it was a word.....not because she loved food, but out of fear.
Fear of being unhealthy, getting cancer or being overweight and the health issues that come with that, and other fears that I thought were irrational at the time, but looking back, seeing that she had a valid point.
My grandfather is 101 and always ate healthy. Never smoked or drank, had a vegetable patch on the side of his house in Queens....and listened to what my grandmother told him to do. ;)
Whole foods is not just the name of a supermarket chain.
They are foods that will ROT if you don't consume them in a few days....foods that are not processed, such as fresh baked bread that grows mold by day 3....... and seasonal produce, vegetables that don't have to travel more than 25 miles to get from grocer to your kitchen......farm raised chickens without hormones......you get the concept.
My weakness is cake, as you all know by now. Evil cane sugar.
But I don't buy cookies or sweets in a package. I bake my own desserts and I think that makes a difference.....I use olive oil and natural ingredients like nuts and fruits that are in season. (You may think I am justifying my cake habit, but it's my blog and my body).
What I am trying to say here is what works for me, might not work for you.
I get a lot of questions and comments on my instagram from people that think I don't eat the food I make.
I eat it ALL and then some.
I have always loved Jane Brody's book "GOOD FOOD: Living the High Carbohydrate Way".
That's a scary title these days!
But her philosophy has always worked for me.
In fact, after gaining the "freshman 15" back in my 20's, I found this life-changing cookbook. After reading it, I had a new found understanding of food and my relationship with it.
Ms. Brody, who then was the food editor of the NY Times, talked about eating less meat and more fruits, tons of vegetables and mixing complex carbohydrates with protein. Adding good fats like olive oil and avocados.
Pastas mixed with veggies and beans (especially chickpeas) and low-fat and high protein dairy like cottage cheese and skim milk......soups and stews.......salads with colorful produce......grains; legumes; seeds; nuts.
The book came out in 1985 and she talked about amaranth flour; millet; quinoa; coconut sugar;! all that jazz, before I ever heard the word "gluten free".
She was way ahead of her time for sure.
I changed my eating habits and lost 15 lbs after a few months of cutting out excessive booze (college girl problems), late night fried mozzarella sticks and fried potato skins loaded with bacon and cheese (which I have been seeing on Whole30 blogs lately!!!!) and stopped eating after 10 pm.
Though today, as I leaf thru the book it seems very outdated, and my cooking skills are much better than they were in my 20's (Ms. Brody calls it "Oriental sesame oil", and says if you "can't find parsley, then omit it".....really? I guess in 1980 we couldn't find fresh parsley at the supermarket, my how times have changed, thankfully).
But back then, I followed her dinner recipes in my little apartment, and it worked!
It's different for women in their 50's vs. women in their 20's, I know. But I am the same weight as I was in college.
People think I am thin, but I am normal. My body has definitely changed even though I am the same weight. But I feel good and that's what matters.
Everyone's body is different.....we come in all shapes and sizes. It's being healthy and what is a good weight for YOU that is important.
Why do some people have food allergies and some people can eat peanuts, strawberries, wheat, etc.?
Why do so many women in their 50's develop an intolerance to dairy? (That would be a sad day for me folks).
We are all different.
Have you ever read the book Eat Right 4 your Blood Type? That's another interesting philosophy.....different blood types, need different diets.
I am type A- and it says I should eat a "meat free diet", and one of mostly fish, vegetables and carbohydrates with a small amount of dairy.....hey, exactly what I crave!
There is a recipe here.....keep reading......
I am not preaching by any means. I am just talking about what works for me.
A good balance and good genetics (which I am thankful for).
Finally, the recipe (shut her up already).
I have been making a weekly frittata for the last 20 years loaded with leftover veggies or spinach, or whatever last night's dinner left me.
I left out the cheese in this one to comply with my friends who keep asking for more Whole30 recipes on the blog.
So if you bypass my cake recipes, I really do have a healthy food blog, friends!
Here's the recipe for a delicious hearty frittata made w/ leftover baked sweet potato and roasted broccoli.
I love some sausage or chorizo in my frittatas for flavor, but if you don't do the pork thing, then omit it.
I would normally throw in some grated Parmesan or feta, but will be compliant. ;)
Today's Whole30 Frittata:
6 eggs
salt & pepper
half stick of Spanish chorizo
leftover roasted broccoli
cooked sweet potato, cut into dice (I leave skin on)
tsp of smoked Spanish paprika (pimenton)
I use avocado oil these days, I love the high smoking point and subtle flavor.
Coat a nonstick skillet w/ the oil and saute the chorizo.
Add in the 6 beaten eggs and season w/ salt & pepper.
Lay the cooked broccoli florets and sweet potato pieces on top of the omelet. Cook for 2 minutes on medium, until sides are starting to set.
Transfer to a 375F oven for 12 minutes.
Slide out of the pan onto a cutting board and cut into slices.
I love this at room temperature the best.
Serve w/ some hot sauce if you like.
Thanks for reading my rant for the day.
Be healthy and happy.

I will look at the puffed apple pancake and make it! Thank you!
I agree, we are all dfferent.
I am short and have always been overweight as a kid.
I ate junk and deli meats for lunch on white bread in school. Lots of meat and potatoes for dinner.
Boxed cake for snacks.
I changed my diet in my 30s and only eat lean meats, real whole foods, healthy choices and try and only eat one serving instead of going in for seconds and thirds.
I have managed my weight for 20 years and though I will never be a super model, I know how to do it!
Thank you for this post, it made me smile, and I follow you on instagram and an envious of all you can eat and not gain weight! But it's genetics and I see you eat a lot of fish and good food....
Enjoy it all!
Karen B.
No sugar. No dairy. No carbs. No alcohol.
It works for me. I always lose weight and feel so much better. More energy and gives me a kick start to healthier eating for the rest of the year.
Like a rubber band snap, making me remember to eat healthy for the rest of the year.
However, by March, I am craving chocolate and wine, and I go back to being a normal human. :)
Fad diets are just that....a fad.
Fun post.
Raised by a healthy-thinking, healthy-cooking Mother, I got used to few sweets (except on Easter when I made myself sick on chocolate). Everything was homemade. Desserts were homemade with only a very few exceptions and, because so many ingredients were rationed when I was a little kid, not seen in many homes. Including ours. Birthday cakes were a big deal. Homemade. Chocolate chip cookies, an occasional treat. Homemade.
My Mother cooked fresh ingredients until frozen veggies came along. Considered to be even more nutritious than fresh, those began to show up on our table. She did not have time to bake bread, but we ate very little of it anyway. We never had Wonder Bread. We always had “good bread”. No squishiness. We lunched at home except on rainy days, when we carried homemade lunches. And we exercised. We ran. Hard. We were active from dawn until we fell into bed.
I never had a weight problem until some gain during the last few years. When active, I could eat anything. (I remember getting my weight down to about 119 at 5’6-1/2 during the disco dancing days! Later tennis, started in earnest at an age when some are giving it up, made a big difference in my life. And it was active tennis. My son said “Mom will chase ANYTHING!)
Awareness is important. Not just mindlessly stuffing ourselves.
I’ll not be as hardcore as you, but I’d say any attempt at this program would be better than not trying it at all. Thanks for explaining!
I like your style ;)
Now you know what Whole30 is....and it doesn't sound like you need it!
;) Stacey
I’m on it!!!
I loved this post, it was interesting, instead of just a recipe. I like your honesty always.
Haters are gonna hate.
Jennifer in OHIO
I did the Whole30 plan last year just before spring came around. Omitting dairy was the hardest for me, although I don't eat a lot of it, I couldn't get used to having my coffee black.. it just didn't do it for me. Omitting sugar and wheat-based products for 30 days was no biggie for me, although I really missed bread. I don't eat a lot of it, but like to have it once in a while.
We love eggs - I enjoy making shakshuka, frittata, tortilla espanola - you name it - eggs + veggies. My frittata doesn't look as pretty as yours - will need to try making it more eye-pleasing.