Some Spring Salads for Sunny Days Ahead
Here are some salad suggestions for the upcoming swimsuit season...............the snow is almost all melted and I will have to lose the 5 lbs. that I gained over the winter (not kidding).
Being stuck indoors a lot this cold and snowy winter did not make for healthy eating.
Lots of baking, stews and drinking more of my fair share of wine.
I am changing my ways.
I've been trying to eat a salad at lunch instead of a sandwich lately, and sometimes even a salad for dinner. (I am still going to allow for a slice of cake though!).
My first yummy salad is a roasted sweet potato and yellow beet salad w/ avocado, cilantro pesto (cilantro, garlic, olive oil and lime juice whizzed in a mini food chopper).
Served over arugula drizzled w/ sriracha.
Ok, this was good, and I need to eat more of this.
Salad #2 was made from leftover seared ahi tuna w/ white bean puttanesca (recipe here).
I loved it even better served cold the next day with chunks of avocado tossed in.
My third salad consists of more roasted golden beets with some apples cut into strips, toasted walnuts and clementines cut into small triangles (yes, I leave the rind on). I drizzled w/ a honey shallot vinaigrette and served on my favorite arugula.
Salad #4 is my favorite quinoa salad: I could eat this everyday.
This time I added in some crunchy yellow bell peppers for some color and real Greek feta cheese.
I usually post a dessert recipe on Fridays, but tomorrow I am taking the day off to eat a salad.
Think thin (for today, anyway!).
Let them cake....and salad.