Guacamole Stuffed Eggs
Here's a good idea for your summer BBQ's that's easy on the waistline.
No mayo (sorry Hellman's, not this time), and no egg yolk.
Also, these won't spoil in the heat!
It's a win win.
Everyone loves guacamole, and who doesn't love deviled eggs?
What to do with the cooked yolks? I threw mine away, because I didn't know what to do with them. Bad girl.
For 5 whole eggs (10 halves):
1 ripe avocado
sea salt
fresh lemon juice
pimenton (smoked paprika) or cumin
cilantro for the top (which I forgot to photograph)
Mash the avocado with a fork with some lemon juice and sea salt.
Spoon into hard boiled eggs, that have been halved (yolk discarded).
Sprinkle some pimenton on top and garnish w/ a cilantro leaf.

May I also have those spoons?