Sandy Soup
Day 12.
Still no power, no heat and it snowed 6" yesterday. Ok, I have been patient, but this sucks.
Many of you nice readers have written suggesting I post "Sandy" recipes. Recipes for survival and what I am cooking with my gas stove.
Good idea, however, by now, my mood is pretty crappy. I have lost all interest in cooking dinner, and more so, EATING dinner in the dark.
Truth is: I have only been cooking eggs and pancakes on the stove for breakfast with fried toast, and lunches are consisting of any homemade stocks I have in my freezer (which has been attached to a small generator outside) with some canned beans, but it's warm and satisfying, and this is why I have so much stock in the freezer! For sick days and emergencies.
So, for shits and giggles, here is my Sandy Soup.
A delicious rich pork stock with lots of shredded pork leftover from some dish I made in July (notice the date).
Lit my stove with my BIC lighter, added a can of white beans, and everything is ok.
Have a safe weekend! Can't wait to be back into full gear. xo
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I'm with Sharon - why don't you get out of town. Come down to Florida and stay with us or even better, take Sharon up on her offer of France.
Hope you have a French press coffee maker. At least you'll have coffee in the mornings. I'm crossing fingers and toes you get power soon. I would be going nuts...
I know first hand how difficult this situation is.
My husband works for a major utility company and they just sent additional crews to join the ones already there.
BUT that soup looks amazing...that stock....I need to make homemade stock I am realizing!
Hang in there!
Our pantry is our emergensy storehouse (we have occasional earthquakes out here) and I try to keep some ready to go products there for tough times or bad days.
This isn't much help, but other than prayers it is all I have to offer right now.