Joseph Leonard NYC
Who is Joe Leonard? I don't have a clue, however, you must go to there.
Joseph Leonard is a homey little place in the West Village that serves great food in a great little space with super friendly service.
It's a tiny place, maybe 25 seats, close quarters, but you never feel crowded.
Everyone makes you feel right at home.
Amazing mushroom and anchovy salad for me, and frisee and lardons with a poached egg for the hubs. Love the huge jar of cornichons on the table (how many can you eat?).
Fried chicken with Brussels sprouts and mashed spuds for the big Hen, and for me (soon to be "big Sta"), a pork hock (is that the same thing as a shank?) with arugula salad. Silly, it was so good.
Carrot wedding cake, excellent, but the ricotta fritters w/ honey were the BEST thing ever. I can't even talk about them, they were so good.
Great bathroom. Open the medicine cabinet, and you are all set:
~Q-tips: cause I want to clean my ears after my meal.
~Altoids: Because they are "curiously strong".
~Cotton Balls: so I can take off my mascara before dessert.
~Toothpicks: so Henry can pick his teeth (gross).
~Napkins: to wipe your hands after you wash (FYI EMPLOYEES MUST WASH HANDS).
I like the one special of the day: PIG'S HEAD. ok.
Another great spot in New York City.
It makes me feel young.
Joseph Leonard
170 Waverly Place
New York City 10014
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hope yo have something wonderful planned for the weekend
I am laughing out loud... hysterical!!! Love the medicine chest. Leave it to you - always with the camera!
No pig's head? Why? I'd love the picture of that dish.
Everything looked delish!!! You sure can pick 'em.
That bathroom cabinet shot made my day! Have a great weekend. Too funny.