Food Haters

Do you have a friend who says they "hate" everything? I am talking food here.
"Oh, I don't eat beets or Brussels sprouts". Well, have you ever tried them? Maybe when you were a kid you had a bad experience with a beet or a lima bean or a tiny, innocent pea.
Now that we are adults, it's time to try those things again that we thought we hated.

Since food is a big part of my life (you think?), I find it hard to be friends with a person who hates olives, nuts, blue cheese, avocados, anchovies, eggplant, artichokes, capers, raisins, mushrooms, most vegetables in general, & mayonnaise. GET OVER IT ALREADY.
I once dated a guy who proclaimed that he would never eat mayonnaise or salads of any kind. Ok, I am breaking up with you now.
For 20+ years, my husband was allergic to broccoli and most vegetables. Meat & potatoes were his faves. Since I became a food blogger (and he became an ADULT!), he now enjoys broccoli and almost every vegetable, once he learned that boiling them to mush is not the only way to serve them. Hallelujah. Mazel Tov.
I am not saying that we all have to like everything, but please, let's TRY the thing before we say we HATE it. HATE is a strong word. It's ok not to like something, but we HATE it, and WON'T try it? Come on now. Let's be brave.
I notice that many of my men friends don't like mushrooms, cucumbers, celery or beets. This seems to be a man thing. My brother and husband DESPISE funghi.
Sorry, no recipe to post today, just feel like ranting.
Tell us the thing you or your partner HATES (or THINKS they hate) to eat, and 2 random winners will win a bottle of my favorite FIG balsamic vinegar from Italy (no fig haters need apply).

By the way, I HATE bananas. I will not eat anything made with them or that has touched one, including banana bread.

Yes, I've tried them, the smell makes me sick and I gag thinking about them. That is the ONLY food I really HATE. I would try almost anything once.
Winners will be announced on Saturday. xo

Funny, I like pretty much anything, but bananas do the same thing to me...gag...I like them cooked though.
My husband cannot stand tuna fish
me... i draw the line at frogs legs !!
i really hate okra! there is no point to it. it has a bitter taste
and it does not look appetizing
in your soup or as a side dish or even fried to cover it up!
and drum roll please... my husband
hates mushy grits! the run all over the plate, taste like cardboard and have no color!
Me - anise and curry.
mayonnaise, cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt, vinegar, pickles, mustard, lemon, avocado, raw vegetables except carrots, soups and salads of all kinds...
At least he will eat most cooked vegetables and he usually will try something once before he decides he "hates" it.
I think the one that bothers me the most is lemon, because I love it! I think I'll cook myself some lemon chicken sometime soon and make him a burger. :)
I really hate turnip greens.
He wouldn't eat them as a child and got a whoopin'. He told his momma that when he was grown he wasn't ever going to eat another pea. As far as I know he's kept that promise.
would love to try that fig vinegar. makes my mouth water.
Not matter how good the food was the night before he won't eat it again.
I hate capers. ewwwwww.
We're picky, but I will tell you we LOVE seafood!
Especially if it's blackened and grilled and it's summer!
We are both vegetarians, so it's easy to like everything veggie!
Thanks for the give away!
My husband says he doesn't like eggplant or brussel sprouts. His entire family loves eggplant and are always saying, "if you try my recipe for xxx, you'll love it." He may be finally coming around a bit.
I have a problem with dinner guests who declare they hate certain foods. My mother taught me to eat around things I didn't like and not draw attention to the fact. When it comes to food today, manners seem to be out the window. Just my two cents.
I don't like cooked raisins. Raw are great. My husband is only picky about candy. Jelly beans, marshmellows, candy corn. I just figure it is more for me.
don't know how to post through google/gmail so it's through my blog.
My oldest grandaughter is a food hater, she dosen't like green or too much sauce,no other meat or fish just chicken, if her toast is too brown she won't eat it, I could go on for an hour but I don't have the time! If she sees basil flecks she'll stop eating. My little granddaughter on the oter hand is a food lover, thank goodness!!!
I eat everything. When I was 16 in traveling in Europe with my parents I tried to eat the most unusual things available just because I was curious. I had squid in it's own ink one night ... Yum
Can't complain though cause he pretty much will eat anything, especially healthy stuff.
But I can't think of food that I truly hate.