New Toy
My husband & I both love an espresso mid afternoon and after dinner, but I have never wanted to take the plunge and buy a fancy espresso machine.
First of all, I don't have the room on my counter for it. Second, they are very pricey, $500 and up for decent ones. And third, I don't want another appliance to have to clean out everyday.
We found this tiny Bialetti Mini Express 2-Cup Stovetop Percolator
You just fill it up with water, pack in some ground espresso, place it on the stove top and watch the water drip into the cups perfectly out of the brass nozzles!
It took 1 minute 32 seconds (I timed it!) to make 2 perfect cups of espresso, and the best part is: it was only $27.99. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS LITTLE MACHINE!

Simple is always best.
Now, I need an easy way to froth steamed milk!

I had one in college and loved it. It approximated the espresso produced by my favorite coffee shop.
We too love to serve espresso at dinner parties. It's such a surprise and a nice treat from regular coffee. I've got several different sets of cups, some plain white and others quite formal. Fun stuff.
I will say that I have a hard time finding decaf expresso coffee in our market. I usually have to "import" it from trips to the city.
It works like a charm!
(And I love those little espresso makers. We have a full automatic espresso machine, but I do use that thing once in a while too, love it!
Bet it tastes great too.
This machine is really only good for 2 cups of espresso. Not good for company, trust me!