Lidia's Tuna Rolls
I found this wonderful idea for little tuna rolls in Lidia Bastianich's book Lidia's Italy.
How could something so basic be so good? Well, they just are.
I think the anchovies, mustard and vinegar make them sing.
First let me start by saying (or telling you!), don't use the albacore tuna packed in water for this recipe. It will taste like a tinned tuna sandwich.
Buy the Italian tuna in olive oil, it's usually yellowfin and so much meatier and better. Also, the Spanish Bonito del Norte is amazing, but pricier.
Trader Joe's has a great Italian style tuna in oil for 1.99 a can.
2 cans go a long way with this recipe.
Start by roasting your peppers. Use yellow and red bell peppers for prettiest results. Click here for method. You can do this a few days in advance so all you have to do is roll them!
Make the filling:
2 cans of Italian oil packed tuna
2 tablespoons drained capers
3 anchovies, minced (don't skip this part!)
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 tbsp of cider vinegar
1/3 cup of mayo

Smooth the filling ingredients with a fork and set aside.
Cut your peppers, if needed into about 2.5" x 4" wide. You don't have to be exact, some of my rolls were sushi size pieces!
Spoon a scant tablespoon of tuna filling at the end of each roll and roll tightly.
Believe it or not, you don't need toothpicks, these will stay closed.

I made these 4 hours before serving and covered them w/ plastic wrap and put in the fridge.
Before serving, drizzle good olive oil and fresh parsley over the top!
These were so good.

I too love Lidia's recipes- she's the absolute best! Simple, delicious recipes are in every one of her books, but there is also a whole lot of them on her site
It's a great site for all-things Lidia, and her Facebook fan page is a lot of fun too! She actually writes in herself.
I'm not into blogging, twitter etc... but it does come in handy as I
recently lent my copy of Lidia's Italy to a freind so, on a lark
searched for the recipe on google and Voila! Because
other's chose to post it, it must be good and can hardly wait to
try it. My filling is marinating for tomorrow night's dinner.
Anyway, I've been wanting to use the pkg of mini bell peppers
the size of jalapeno's and this recipe came to thought. Plz note
1T of parsley and 1t of salt was left out of your version.
Thanks again!