Green Beans & Crispy Leeks

I am always looking for an interesting way to prepare green beans for weeknight meals.
I found this recipe on 101 Cookbooks and it sounded simple, yet different.
The addition of the fresh dill definitely makes this dish. The frizzled leeks tasted a lot like those Durkee Fried Onions (remember those?). Kids would probably enjoy these beans!

Green Beans w/ Crispy Leeks: (adapted from 101 Cookbooks)
1 lb. fresh green beans, ends trimmed, and cut in half
2 leeks, trimmed and sliced thin
1/4 cup fresh dill, chopped
olive oil
kosher salt
I blanched my beans for 2 minutes because I don't love raw green beans, as the original recipe calls for. Blanching them for that short period of time just made them al dente, better than FULL crunch.
When in the colander, run under cold water to stop the cooking process.
Coat a heavy skillet w/ olive oil.
Saute your leeks for about 7 minutes on medium high heat until crispy.
Throw in your beans and dill and kosher salt. Saute another minute, and you are done!

I served this along side of my mustard chicken legs and it was a very nice EASY dinner!
Thanks for the mustard chicken recipe link. That's a very useful recipe.
Is New York frozen yet? We are expecting a big snow storm here on the west coast... perfect cooking day. :)