Barefoot Giveaway!!!!

I am a huge fan of Ina Garten, a.k.a. The Barefoot Contessa.
I own her first 2 books and really love them. The original Barefoot Contessa is my favorite of them all. Her simple recipes always deliver and become part of my cooking repertoire.
My husband and I met Ina last year while eating lunch at E.A.T. on Madison Ave., Eli Zabar's excellent luncheonette, where a delicious egg salad sandwich will set you back $17.
I stalked Ina and grabbed her mink coat arm and said "Ina, what are you doing here? I just watched you this a.m. on Food Network making a pear clafoutis!!".
What an idiot I am. Couldn't I think of anything better to say?
She was most gracious, came over to our table (she had no choice, with me holding onto her coat sleeve) and chatted with us for a few minutes and was SO NICE! She was beautiful and genuine. She is definitely the queen.
Well, I was lucky enough to receive her 6th book, and I looked thru it, and it is very nice. Great photos, as always. Very basic, hence the title "back to basics".
I have made a few of these recipes already, without having to consult a cookbook.
So, I decided I don't need to add yet another cookbook to my collection, so I will have a pre-holiday giveaway.
Leave me a comment as to why you would like this book, and the most clever comment will win! Please submit your comment by Wed. 11/26. Winner will be announced on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving!
Have a great weekend!

Your picture is beautiful, as usual.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dana Zia
A New Twist on Sweet Potatoes
When baking for myself, I don't always care if things turn out right, if things taste AMAZING as long as they're good. But for people giving my boyfriend study guides? For them, I don't want to reach for any recipe but one of Ina's!
Who's cookbooks delight every diner,
Her food is so good,
I most definitely would,
Love to sit down and dine with her!
There once was a woman named Ina,
Who's cookbooks delight every diner,
Her food is so good,
I most definitely would,
Love to sit down and dine with her!
Your #1 Fan!!
I want the book because I have a feeling that although Ms. Garten and my definitions of "Basic" may be different, her recipes will still make me want to live it up.
Happy to have found your blog!
zekks at yahoo dot com
Complete stocking of my very first single girl cupboard/fridge - $260
Cheap-tastic cookware for my very first single girl kitchen - $50
Proudly displaying my very first single girl cookbook on my very own kitchen counter and slaving over my very first single girl meal - PRICELESS :)
For some single girls there is carryout ... for me there is Ina Garten!
Grocery trip to Safeway to stock my very first single girl cupboard/fridge - $300
Cheap-o cookware for my very first single girl kitchen - $60
Preparing and cooking my own dinner in my very first single girl apartment and then proudly displaying my very first cookbook on my empty kitchen counter - PRICELESS :)
... For some single girls there is carryout - for me there is Ina Garten!
1. I have meet Ina (we are on a first name basis - at least I am with her - too bad she doesn't know my name).
2. I have made every recipe in all of her cookbooks.
3. I have stalked her at the New York Fancy Food Show.
4. I make my kids watch her show every week day at 5 p.m. - even if they don't want to.
5. I bought the same canisters for my flour and sugar that she displays in her kitchen - you too can get them at Target.
6. I pretend like I live in the Hamptons.
7. I named my dog Jeffrey
Ina puts so much care and love into what she prepares for family and friends that I would love to have a peek into her world via her recipes. As a bonus, I'm also married to a Jeff(rey). :)