King Arthur's Farmhouse Buttermilk Cake

Since stuck inside, not being able to work at my antique shop (my other job), I am just doing my thing....baking and and baking.

I have actually LOST weight since this quarantine, because I have a nervous stomach.
I have been also driving to friends' houses and leaving cake or muffins on their porches and waving from my car.

I decided this week's cake would be King Arthur's Farmhouse Buttermilk Cake.

Since it is a large cake, using 3 cups of flour (and flour is scarce lately with all the hoarders in the grocery stores), I decided to cut the original recipe in half, and bake it in a 9" springform pan.

Of course, I never have buttermilk, so I make my own by combining any milk (I had skim, but 2% or whole is fine too), with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Let this mixture sit 10 minutes, and voila, you have sort of buttermilk. The acid from the lemon mixed with the baking soda in the recipe does something wonderful to baked goods.
Science, my dears.

The cake is glorious. May I use that word? Well, it is.

It is sweet and moist, and I sprinkled some Maldon sea salt on it after I took it out of the oven, so it was sweet and salty with a pecan pie profile.....without corn syrup (which I hate).

If you want to make the original recipe, and a larger cake, here is the link to the original recipe from King Arthur.

My way:

For the cake:

1/4 cup butter (half a stick, softened)
1 cup light brown sugar
1 large egg
1 cup buttermilk (1 cup milk w/ 1 tbsp lemon juice if you don't have buttermilk)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking SODA (NOT baking powder)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

For the topping:

3 tablespoons melted butter
1/2 cup light brown sugar packed
2 tablespoons half and half
3/4 cup of roughly chopped pecans (I mixed in sliced almonds too)
Maldon sea salt for the top (optional)

Mix the cake batter ingredients together, the usual way.....wet first, then the dry (flour etc).

Pour batter into a 9" cake pan (springform preferably), that has been sprayed w/ cooking spray and lined on the bottom with a circle of parchment paper.

Bake 30 minutes in a 350F oven.

While the cake is baking, make the topping.

After the 30 minutes, spread the thick nut topping over the cake w/ a silicone spatula (you can also just pour it on top, it will spread).

Bake an additional 10 more minutes, until topping is caramelized and golden.

Let rest in the pan for 20 minutes, before unmolding it.

I think this cake begs for whipped cream or vanilla ice cream, so treat yourself.

Stop worrying about carbs and sweets. Enjoy your life.
Cake makes me happy (as does pizza).


I happen to have some buttermilk in the house due to making pancakes last week. Was planning to do biscuits soon, but if there is any milk after that, I know what I will do with it.

Carbs and pizza make all of us happy!
Anonymous said…
Could you please do a tutorial on how you put your hair up in a bun twist? Always looks BEAUTIFUL.
Susan the baker said…
We love your recipes but why don't you have a link to PRINT it? It makes it so hard to copy and paste into a word processor. Please help .... thanks!
Anonymous said…
I used to be able to print the recipes, but I no longer see a print feature. Did you have to take that down?
Stacey Snacks said…
Susan and Saphire.....

I took the printer friendly link off the blog about 2 years ago, when I changed the blog format (the one w/ the polka dots).

You can just copy and paste the recipe portion, or save it in pinterest.

I am sure Bebe will tell you (one of my loyal readers) on how to use the printer feature.....wait for her to comment ;).

Hope all is well.

Anonymous said…
Thanks, Stacey. This sounds like a delicious coffee cake.
We're catching up on a lot of your recipes, especially liked the chicken w/harissa, cauliflower and chickpeas(we used boneless, skinless breasts!!)
Stay well and thanks for the blogs that keep our spirits up.
Dennee and Ubaldo in LA
Bebe said…
Hi, Bebe here…. (Stacey has gotten to know me :-)

Copy the url at the top of the page where the recipe is published. Take that over to

Paste it into the preview field.

Now you can edit at will, change the size of or totally remove any photos (the sizing % option is at the top), cut out anything extra that you don’t need. Then hit Print.

I keep that link in the Favorites bar on my screen. So handy.

PS. I wonder if the reader who wants a hair tutorial will ever get it…. I haven’t enough hair.. Stay safe, all, and keep smiling...
Stacey Snacks said…
Thanks Bebe for your help as always!