Another Day. Another Upside Down Cake with Peaches
Hello cake fans.
Here is another good one for you to bake.
My usual upside down cake, but this time with peaches cause it's the right thing to do.
Peaches are here. At least for a few weeks in New Jersey.
I don't love cooked peaches, I find them too mushy, so I reserve them for cobblers or crisps, but I promise, this is the best way to bake with them.
Don't be afraid of upside down cakes, they are my go to. Very impressive, and most fruit is adaptable.
I love my Field cast iron skillet (and I am not getting paid to say that btw). They are forged by hand in Indiana, and stay seasoned beautifully.
Btw: I don't co-mingle my savory and sweets by using the same cast iron skillet (retains odors). I have one pan for chicken/vegetables, and another for cakes.
Fancy pants.
Ok, here's the recipe:
1/4 cup brown sugar
4 tbsp butter
3 peaches, sliced (I left the skin on)
pecans or walnuts for filling in the gaps
3/4 cup light brown sugar
1 stick (8 tbsp = 1/2 cup) melted butter
1 egg
2 tbsp sour cream
1 1/4 cup flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
pinch salt
1 tsp vanilla
In a cast iron skillet, melt the butter w/ the brown sugar and swirl it around until it is melted and you have a caramel mixture.
Immediately, place the peaches in the batter and fill the gaps in with pecan or walnut pieces. Take off the heat. The caramel will start to firm up a bit.
Mix the batter together and spoon over the fruit mixture. Spread carefully with a silicone spatula, as to not disturb the set fruit.
Bake in a preheated 350F oven for 40-45 minutes.
Let rest in pan for 10 minutes, then run a knife around the edges and carefully invert onto a large plate. If some of the fruit gets dislodged, just place it back on the cake. It will harden as it cools.
Winner winner.

I might try this with nectarines and blueberries (the latter to fill in gaps). Once made a delectable crisp with that combo.
I had long wondered about the cast iron skillet for cakes for mine have definitely been used for savory mixtures (as in meat, onions, etc.). Now I know how posh you are.
9 out of 10 times I melt my butter for cakes! ;)
You know me over 10 years and you didn't know how "posh" I was?
Never mind 2 skillets, you should see my shoe collection! ;)
I use a Field cast iron 9" skillet for all my cakes.