Summer Random Instagram Bites & a Giveaway!
For those of you who don't follow me on instagram, you may be feeling left here's what's been going on this summer.
The local farmer's markets have been filled with gorgeous produce! It is very exciting.
I go at least 3 times a week to different markets, and create recipes with the booty!
NJ is the "Garden State" for a reason!
I made this beautiful beet carpaccio, with the gorgeous beets you see above......
and this pretty purple sprouting broccoli salad, old school, with bacon and almonds.....recipe here.
A quinoa salad with roasted purple cauliflower, dates and pistachios, based on this recipe.
The Girls of Summer:
You may remember my friend Sharon Santoni from My French Country Home blog.
We visit her gorgeous chateau in Normandy each September.
Well, this time, Sharon came here to the US for her 2 week book tour to promote her new book MY FRENCH COUNTRY HOME (giveaway at the end of the post).
We went to her NYC signing and had a wonderful dinner with her to catch up.
I love the friends I have made these past 10 years thru blogging. :)
Good Ideas:
I pack these quinoa jars for easy lunches at the beach, and for Henry's lunchbox. The options are endless, but here is the basic recipe.
And this Provencal tian is is the recipe. It's reserved for summer only.
and to thank all of you wonderful LOYAL readers for sticking around for 10 years and all those heartwarming comments this week (I wanted to cry, it made me so happy).....I am giving away 2 signed copies of Sharon's gorgeous book, MY FRENCH COUNTRY HOME.
Just leave a comment, you know the drill.
More summer fun to come!
Tomato season coming soon!

Thank you,
I’d love to have a copy of Sharon’s book… I’m sure it is - like her and like you - a stunner.
Living in France was my dream. Now I live there vicariously via my blogger “friends"...
I have been reading your blog for the past few years
and I have learned so much !
Congratulations on 10 years !
With sincere appreciation,
Im very glad you decided to keep your blog ....
Love your healthy recipes, specially your cakes...
Thank you sooo much for sharing all these past years
Nathalie B
Luv those veggies you are getting
Beautiful produce
I don’t instagram so thanks for sharing
Thank you for doing the giveaway. I have been enjoying your posts for a long time. Thank you for healthy delicious recipes.
I would love to win the book -- but also appreciate the opportunity to tell you how loyally I follow your blog. You have some of the best recipes online! I also really like your new "look"!