10 Years...Time for a Change
Welcome to the new and improved Stacey Snacks.
I've been blogging for 10 years, wow, hard to believe.
Where does the time go?
When I started this food blog 10 years ago, I was a pioneer.
There were just a few of us blogging daily about food, travel, parenthood, fashion, etc.
Now there seems to be a million bloggers out there, most of them millennials and I can't compete with them (on some levels).
I hate change, always have.
I have the same boring hairstyle; I wear the same makeup since high school; and I have the same husband since college.
But change is good! (so I have been told.....but I'll keep the husband).
Food blogs are becoming a thing of the past.....everyone wants immediate gratification these days......hence the popularity of instagram (which I too, LOVE).
I have gone from posting 6 recipes per week (what am I crazy?), down to 2.
I promised that I would stop blogging when I turned 10, but many of you have asked me to stay.
Thank you for that!
So instead of quitting cold turkey, I will stay for a while....with some changes (what else am I doing?).
I have decided to give my blog a minor facelift (I could use a little nip and tuck myself!).
I will now post 1 quality recipe per week and I will change the format a little.
I hope you like the new Stacey Snacks, it is a little more streamlined.
But it's still me, just without the polka-dot background theme.
Thanks for sticking around.

Not sure if I am liking the new theme, but we shall see......
What a nice surprise this morning! The new look is great!!
I love it and so glad to hear you are sticking around oxo
Michele S. oxo
Glad you are still here and will post the new way. You were one 9f the first food blogs I read, and mostly the only one I follow with any regularity. Thank you!
Thank you! You all of have been loyal readers for 10 years.....and I appreciate that!
You are the best! I hope we can meet someday.....you are one of the reasons I still have a food blog!
xo Stacey
I am cracking up about the Domino's comment! I hope you ordered w/ pepperoni and added fresh basil.
And food blogs can't be a thing of the past....I still read them all the time - and yours is one of my top 5 favorites!
Sooo happy you’re continuing, you’re such an inspiration to Ubaldo and me here in LA.
No that we’ve moved to an apartment we need you more than ever-it has a European sized kitchen..
Hopefully the search function works as well.
Thank you for your commitment to food and healthy lifestyle, Stacey!
Your West Coast fans for years, Dennee and Ubaldo
When I first discovered blogs, several years ago, I subscribed to many...too many! I was in my discovery mode! Over the years, I found that only a few really spoke to me on a creative level, whether it be content, knowledge, writing, humor, and, most important, authenticity. You are aces in all those categories. However you change your blog, I know it will be worth reading and joining in the ride. Change however you need, to feel fresh and satisfied, but I hope you never decide to put aside your public voice because it is always worth hearing! Angela Muller
Carol Luciano
Then I opened the content and got the great news. Yay! You're such at natural at making everyone smile, laugh, and yes, even try figs and kimchee. What would we do without you??
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary.
I have prepared many of your recipes- we are having baked fish and peas this week-after the hot dog bash on July 4!
Thanks for choosing to remain on the internet. I follow you on Instagram but I would miss you here.
many thanks, june
You can still use pinterest to pin the recipes.......I can do it easier now with the new format.
And regarding printing the recipe.....I removed the "printer friendly" button.....because most people just copy and paste (right click highlight) or pin the recipe these days.
I hope you can figure out how to do it.
xo Stacey
I am so glad that you are sticking around. I hate change too; especially when it is already good thing! One recipe a week from you is better than none! They new look is great. Thanks for reconsidering.
Rose Blamey
And....Paris is always a good idea.
Anna from Cedar Knolls
Happy 4th July
Big hugs from Normandy
Happy 10th my friend xo
You are so right about people wanting instant gratification. I for one fall into that with Instagram and FB. I am finding, I rarely visit blogs directly anymore. I do follow the little paths to and from FB and Instagram tho and your blog with your restaurant recommendations (you've sent me to NYC and Paris!) and your recipes is still one of my favourites. There are maybe only 5 now I visit regularly.
I look forward to your weekly posts! I'm sure you'll have lots to share. What on earth will you do with all your free time (and hot food :O)?
Thank you so much! This is so nice. You made my day!
xo Stacey