Stuff on Toast: Smørrebrød
We food bloggers and instagrammers think we invented "stuff on toast".
Anything on a piece of toast becomes news.
Avocado toast being all the rage.......I can barely go a week without posting a new version of avo toast on my instagram account.
There is even a cookbook out called TOAST.
Guess what?
The Danish invented stuff on toast a few hundred years ago, before anyone had an iPhone to take a picture.
It is called Smørrebrød.
Usually buttered brown bread with some kind of delicious herring, smoked fish, salmon, egg, shrimp, piled with herbs, meats or cheese.
The French also do something called "tartines", which are open face small sandwiches, and the same goes for the Italians, they call the small open faced toasts "crostini", which are usually served as an appetizer not a meal.
I have always wanted to go to Copenhagen to sample the array of smorrebrod, served all over the city as street food and in restaurants.
Here, I did a pretty good job recreating an open face sammie with shrimp, egg and dill.
I made an herbed mayonnaise with Hellmann's, chives, capers, dill and chopped parsley.
Toast up some good quality whole grain bread and spread w/ the herb mayo.
Add sliced hard boiled egg and sliced poached shrimp.
Season with more herbs and salt & pepper.
Sliced cucumber would be great on this too!
Dig in and enjoy. This is so good.
