Bakes Eggs in Sweet Potato Boats
I love sweet potatoes for their health benefits and for their taste, and you know I eat eggs daily, so why not introduce the two?
I think they will be good friends.
This is so simple, and makes a delicious breakfast.
Bake your sweet potato either in the oven for an hour at 375F, or in your microwave on the baked potato setting (really works!).
Let cool a bit.
When the sweet potato is cool enough to handle, cut in half and scoop out the middle (save the middle stuff for another recipe or to spread on avocado toast tomorrow).
Lay sweet potato halves on a half sheet pan.
Slowly, and carefully, crack a medium size egg (jumbo and xlarge eggs are too big for this recipe) into the well of the potato boats, trying not to spill the egg outside the potato.
Season with sea salt & pepper and any herbs or spices you like.
I love pimenton (smoked Spanish paprika) with my sweets.
Bake until the eggs are set. 375F for about 12-15 minutes, or until your eggs are done to your liking.

Your "Maine" friend,
Sure it would work......but then you are not getting the delicious benefits of the sweet potato!
But yes, go ahead!
:) Stacey