Grilled Swordfish w/ Meyer Lemon Relish

I have always loved the Sunday Suppers at Lucques cookbook, it's been a favorite for years.

Though the recipes seem complicated and time consuming, I can always modify them to make them simpler, using what I have on hand.

Here is such a recipe.

The original recipe is for halibut, but I used swordfish instead (on sale at my market this week).

Also, the recipe calls for Lucques green olives, which are impossible to find here. None of my markets sell them, so I substituted kalamata olives, which are saltier, but they worked well in the relish.

Use red onion if you don't have shallots, and cider vinegar if you don't have champagne vinegar.

See how easy I am today?

However, before you ask, the answer is no, you may not substitute regular lemons for the Meyer lemons.
They will be too astringent, since you are using the rind, peel and pulp of the lemon, and the Meyers are much sweeter and the title of the recipe is for "Meyer Lemon" relish.

I was eating this right out of the jar, my husband said it tasted like lemon candy.

What else can I use this condiment with?

Grilled Swordfish w/ Meyer Lemon Relish: (adapted from Sunday Suppers at Lucques)

2 tbsp shallots or red onion, diced fine
1 1/2 tbsp of champagne or cider vinegar
2 Meyer lemons
3/4 cup green olives, pitted and chopped (Lucques would be best, but kalamata were great for me)
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
* 1 Serrano pepper, diced fine (optional), or hot pepper flakes

Place shallot or onion, vinegar and a pinch of salt in a bowl and let stand while you prepare remaining ingredients. (This will acidulate the shallots and takes off the edge).

Slice the stem and blossom ends from the Meyer lemons. Stand the lemons on one end and cut them vertically into 1/8 inch slices. Stack the slices and cut them lengthwise into 1/8 inch matchsticks. Line up the matchsticks and cut them into 1/8 inch cubes.

Add the diced lemon to the shallot. Add the olives, honey, parsley, chile pepper (if using) and a large pinch of salt and pepper. Stir in olive oil and taste for seasoning.

Keep in the fridge until ready to use.

Season the fish steaks with olive oil, kosher salt & pepper.

Heat a ridged grill pan and cook the steaks for 3-4 minutes on each side, depending on thickness (if using swordfish....if using halibut cook 6 minutes on each side).

Remove the fish from the pan and place on serving plates. Spoon the Meyer lemon relish over the top and enjoy!

I think next time I will try the relish w/ fish tacos.


Tracy said…
I have been meaning to buy this cookbook for years. I had a roommate in college who would occasionally make things from it, and everything was crazy good. This Meyer Lemon relish looks like it's awesome too. I have to try this- so perfect and summery!
Bebe said…
Back in 2012, Trader Joe’s had Lucques Olives. No idea whether they have them now but it would be worth a look…
Stacey Snacks said…
Yes. I bought them there yrs ago. Lucques olives in a jar. Haven't seen them in over a year.
Ciao Chow Linda said…
I wouldn't have expected that lemons with the peels would be good with a salsa, but I know Meyer lemons are sweeter so I will try this and use the swordfish. I wonder if preserved lemons would be good here? I am nursing a little meyer lemon tree that now has five lemons on it. Wish me luck that I don't kill it.
Natalia said…
This relish looks like it can go with a light chicken dish as well (if there is any leftover from this recipe, which there may not be) ;)

Perfect recipe for summer and a must try.