Roasted Carrots w/ Avocado, Dates & Chickpea Salad
If you have 30 minutes today, make this for lunch (you will also need the ingredients, obviously).
I love roasted carrots, and the spring fatties have been so spicy and delicious lately.
This is one beautiful lunch salad, or vegetarian dinner, and don't forget to top it with a jammy, runny 6 minute egg.
Set the timer for 30 minutes, you will be done in even less time!
First, start by roasting your carrots.
If they are fat, slice them in half, if not, leave them whole.
400F on a baking sheet, drizzled w/ olive oil, cumin, kosher salt & dried thyme.
Roast 15-20 minutes with the convection setting on, so they will finish quickly.
While the carrots are roasting, do the rest of the prep.
Boil the water for your 6 minute egg.
Make the dressing:
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil
sea salt & pepper
Rinse some canned chickpeas, and cut up some Medjool dates (just a handful for each bowl).
Chop some fresh cilantro.
Ok, now the carrots should be roasted, and the egg is done. You are ready to plate your salad.
Lay some arugula, spinach or greens on a plate/bowl.
Spread the roasted carrots and sliced avocado on top.
Throw on some of the chopped dates and chickpeas.
Drizzle some dressing over the bowl. Top w/ fresh cilantro leaves.
Peel and slice that egg and let it run.
Buzzer is ringing. Time is up.
30 minutes later, lunch is ready to eat.
Healthy and DELICIOUS.
I love it.
