Savory Madeleines w/ Sage & Parmesan
This is one of those WOW recipes.
I say wow, because they are not only beautiful, but so tasty.
They take no time at all to put together and I will be making them for Thanksgiving! (remind me in November!).
Madeleines are sweet buttery cake-like cookies from the Lorraine region of France, and when they are fresh, they are heavenly.
The packaged kind are usually stale and lousy, so don't bother.
I may have to invest in a madeleine pan.
Here, I used a silicone financier pan, which worked very well. My first time baking with silicone.
I'm not sure how I feel about using silicone in the oven, but since I use a SILPAT from France to bake with, what's the difference?
Because I am paranoid, I thought I smelled something funny when using the pan, but for only 8 minutes baking time, it could have been just the actual cakes baking.
I have sage living in my garage (brought in from the garden for the winter), and though it is my least favorite tasting herb (I grow 3 varieties, because it's pretty and is hardy), it works beautifully in these little savory treats.
I grated in good Parmigiano Reggiano and took the liberty of adding 1 tbsp of honey, why not?.
I also gilded the lily by brushing the warm cakes w/ melted butter, hey what's more calories?
Don't have buttermilk? Make your own.
Combine a tablespoon of lemon juice in with the measured amount of low-fat milk. Let rest 15 minutes while you are preparing the other ingredients.
Voila! Instant buttermilk.
These are my new favorite treats.
Savory Madeleines w/ Sage & Parmesan: (adapted from Donna Hay) makes 12 madeleines (or financiers)
1/3 cup (55g) instant polenta or corn meal
2 tablespoons plain (all-purpose) flour,
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup (40g) finely grated parmesan
sea salt and cracked black pepper
20g butter, melted (2 tbsp)
1 egg
1 tbsp honey
1/2 cup (80nl) buttermilk
12 fresh sage leaves
Preheat oven to 350F.
Grease the madeleine tin with butter. In my case, the silicone pans needed no greasing.
Lay a fresh sage leaf on the bottom of each madeleine well.
Mix the dry ingredients with the cheese, then add in the egg, melted butter, honey and buttermilk last.
Mix together and add in a pinch of sea salt and a few grinds of black pepper.
Don't panic, you won't have much batter here, but there is enough to fill a 12 piece madeleine or financier tin.
Bake for 8-10 minutes, until puffed and golden. Let rest in tin for 3 minutes then turn upside down.
My little cakes fell right out!
I brushed the cakes w/ some melted butter, that's why they are so shiny, but you can leave them pale yellow if you like (which I will do next time).
These are sort of like popovers, you want to eat them fresh, warm, and right away.
No problem there.
These would not only be a good nibble to go with wine and cheese, but also nice in the afternoon with a cup of tea, or served with soup for lunch.

You had me at butter, sage and parm.
Oh my.....