Stone Fruit Crumble
What's the difference between a crumble, a cobbler and a crisp?
I don't know, they all have fruit, they are all pretty easy to make, and they are all yummy!
When I use apples, I call it a "crisp".
When I use peaches, I usually call it a cobbler (I think it has more flour and more resembles a cake).
When I use oats and brown sugar on top, I call it a "crumble".
I could be wrong, and I am sure you will tell me if I am.
This week, NJ has a ton of beautiful stone fruit.
Plums, peaches, white and yellow, and nectarines (my favorite).
I always buy a bushel up in Oldwick, NJ and they all ripen at the same time (duh).
With the ripe peaches, I make a CRUMBLE.
You can make a crisp, and you can make a cobbler, but I will make crumble.
I have made about 3 different types, using all different fruits.
So far my favorite combination was nectarines with fresh picked blackberries from my garden and some blueberries.
Measurements are approximate. You can add more or less sugar and other spices and even nuts if you like.
Stacey's Fruit Crumble: (makes 4 individual crumbles)
4 stone fruits, pits removed, diced (I like to add in blackberries and blueberries)
1/2 cup white sugar
juice of a lemon
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup of oats
1 tsp baking powder
6 tbsp butter, cut into small dice
Butter 4 large ramekins (you can also make this in a 9 x 9 glass Pyrex pan).
In a bowl, mix the diced fruit (peaches, nectarines, plums, berries) with the white sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon. The fruit will get nice and juicy.
Mix the topping ingredients in a separate bowl, using your hands to incorporate the butter into the mixture. You want it to be "crumbly".
Pour the fruit w/ the juices into the prepared ramekins and press down the crumble topping mixture into the tops of the dishes.
Place on a baking sheet and bake 30 minutes, until bubbly and juicy in a 375F oven.
These are amazing warm w/ vanilla ice-cream, or the next day out of the fridge.

And peaches have gone from reasonable to pricey out here, so making something smaller makes sense for us.
Oldwick/Tewksbury: Melick's Farms, pick your own apples and peaches. The best. Local. They also have a farm stand right on route 517.
I will try melting the butter next time (much easier!).
Have a great weekend!! Pick a peck of peaches for me.
xo, Rosemary
Taking the day off from blogging.....will be back tomorrow!