Fun with Beet Greens
The bumper sticker on my car reads: SAVE THE BEET GREENS.
When I trim my beets, I am always left with these beautiful colorful beet greens.
Don't throw them away! Eat them! They are good for you and are nice in soups, frittatas or pastas.
I used to give them to my neighbor for her juicing in the morning, but now I keep them for myself!
Here is a delicious, simple way to use up those beet greens.
You will be proud of yourself for being so thrifty.
Beet Green & Red Pepper Frittata:
8 eggs
big handful of beet greens with stems, washed and sliced
1 small red onion, sliced thin
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 red pepper, roasted and cut up (from a jar is fine)
3 oz. crumbled feta cheese
salt & pepper
2 tbsp olive oil
Heat olive oil in a 9" cast iron skillet (you can also use a non-stick skillet, however, make sure the handle can go in the oven).
Saute the onions and garlic for 1 minute and throw in the chopped beet greens. Toss with tongs for about 6 minutes, until the greens are wilted.
While the greens are cooking, mix the eggs with the diced roasted pepper, the cheese, salt & pepper.
Pour the eggs on top of the greens mixture in the skillet.
With a rubber spatula (important to have), keep going around the sides of the omelet/frittata to loosen the sides while it is cooking. Cook for about 3-4 minutes, until the sides are set. The middle should still be loose.
Place under the broiler for 3 minutes, until the top is set.
Carefully (the handle is HOT!) remove the pan from the oven, and run the rubber spatula around the omelet.
Flip over on a round platter and cut into wedges.
This is delicious warm or at room temperature.
Enjoy and save those beet greens!

Lovely. It is the flipping over that would be the end for me.