Tarte au Haddock Fumé, Poireaux et Curry
Really? Yes, you read it correctly. A smoked haddock tart with leeks and curry.
When in France, I always pick up the latest issue of the French Cooking Magazine SAVEURS, which is not available in the States (not the same mag as Saveur). It has the BEST recipes, all my style.
Stews, tarts, savory cakes, and salads. Too bad the recipes are all in Francais, and the measurements are metric.
I can basically figure out 90% of the ingredients, and the rest I wing it, or look up on my google translator. It's quite a challenge, but each recipe has come out excellent so far!
This recipe is more English than French, because it calls for smoked haddock, which is IMPOSSIBLE to find in New York.
Why? I can get most any exotic ingredient, but for some reason, this popular English and Scottish smoked fish is foreign to us. It is mainly used in Kedgeree, the popular breakfast dish in the UK, and is also known as Finnan Haddie.
Well, good old smoked trout will have to do, and it did.
This was SO GOOD.
Tarte au Haddock (or in this case, TROUT) Fumé, Poireaux et Curry: (adapted from Saveurs)
1 recipe for a 9" pate brisee, or ready made pie crust
2 cans (about 150 grams) of good quality smoked trout (or haddock, if you can find it!)
4 eggs
3/4 cup heavy cream
salt & pepper
1 tbsp butter
3 leeks, white parts only, cleaned and trimmed, sliced thin
1 tbsp curry
Roll out the pastry to fit a 9" tart pan with removable bottom. Keep chilled until ready to bake.
Preheat oven to 350F.
Slice the leeks into rounds and saute them in the butter for a few minutes until wilted. Do not brown them. Let cool before adding to the custard.
Mix the eggs, curry and cream together to make a custard. Season with salt and pepper.
Add the smoked trout filets, breaking them up as you add them to the custard.
Add the cooled leeks and pour into the prepared pastry.
Bake 40 minutes until the top is set.
It is "Mardi", and this is a tart.
Parlez vous Francais?
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