Good Stuff: Tonic and a Nice Little Book

There was a bartender in New Jersey that made his own tonic syrup from quinine, a compound of the bark of the cinchona tree.

His gin and tonics were the best.
Could I get Tom to come over and make me some of that secret syrup?

(What the heck is she talking about now?).

Why spend all that money on a good bottle of booze when you are just going to add cheap tonic water to it?

Why buy the best Valrhona chocolate for your cake and then frost it with canned frosting?

You get where I'm going here.

I read about John's Premium Tonic Syrup in the June issue of Saveur (my favorite of all cooking magazines), and I was in.

This stuff is concentrated and you use it as you like. You can add a little sparkling water or seltzer to the syrup. It doesn't go flat, and has no fructose corn syrup or sodium benzoate in it.

A little goes a long way, and I like supporting people that make handcrafted, small batch products.

If you are a G & T girl or guy, check out John's site.

On another note:

I was asked to contribute 3 essays with recipes to a little book called Tangerine Tango.

It is a compilation of women writers sharing "slices of their life", and the author, Lisa Winkler happens to love the color orange (hence the title of the book!).

It is a wonderful little book, perfect as a stocking stuffer or housewarming gift.
I am thrilled to be a part of this project (and my first real published work!).

Here is a sample from one of the many talented writers:

SOCKS by Barbara Younger

Socks don't lead 
An easy life.
Missing partners,
Sweaty feet, and
Hours squinched
In tight quarters,
Yet I never hear
My socks complain.
Maybe I should be
More like socks.
Complaining less,
Absorbing more,
And ever ready to
Step into shoes
For the next adventure.

You can find it on, and all proceeds go to charity.

Since it's almost Halloween, and orange is very in Vogue this month, I would like to give away 3 Tangerine Tango books to my wonderful readers.....just leave me a comment, you know the routine, and please don't forget to contact me after you have won!


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Congratulations on the book. I saw your name in the list of contributors. Way to go.

I'll have to check out the tonic syrup. You're sure right about why mess up a good ingredient with a cheap one. BTW, have you ever made your own selzer? It's really fun to shake and make your own.
June said…
I am amazed at the number of cooking blogs that not only have great recipes but are written by very talented word crafters. Looking forward to reading this compilation.
Alicia said…
Oh I love the smell of Gin and tonics!My grandfather drank one every night,he was known as an afternoon cocktail drinker, never before that.That was when you could get him to talk to you and tell you stories,but before that it was like hugging a tree.I miss him.He would have been 99 next week!
Robin said…
I ordered some of that tonic concentrate and I found it to have an unbearably bitter aftertaste. Maybe because I mixed with vodka instead of gin?
Penny said…
Congratulations on being included in this interesting book. It sounds like something I would love to read.
SueZ said…
Love that sock essay. Words to live by, indeed!
TheJimBar said…
Stac, this is the really great tonic to for G and T's.
Fever Tree Indian.

That orange book would look great on our coffee table....

Stacey Snacks said…
I am a big fever tree fan too! I sometimes find it at Home Goods for half the price (I swear!). So good.
Barbara Younger said…

All the socks in my house are delighted with your shout out of my poem. They have hopped out of dresser drawers and laundry baskets and are doing a "Yes! Finally We Are Recognized" Dance.
denise s said…
Congrats on your contributions to the book. If I dont't win it, I will definitely purchase.
Ciao Chow Linda said…
Stacey - How great that you are included in the book, but it's not your first published piece - you've been doing it for years on your blog - and very well I might add. I also plan to purchase this book if I don't win.
Stephanie said…
I love your site! You should post some of your food pics on it could help get you more readers.
Christine said…
Congratulations of the book! And thank you for the info on tonic. Grocery store tonic is just so sad when you have a quality gin. Thanks too, to TheJimBar, upon looking up the link in the comment, I found Amazon has Bitter Lemon which is impossible to find here! Yay!
Rachel said…
Hi Stacey,

I won the southern cookbook and realized I should probably give you my address.

It's Rachel Fletcher
731 4th avenue
Salt Lake City UT 84103.

And if anyone else wants to send me things, now they have my address too :)

All the best,

Ashley said…
Congrats Stacey! A published author, that's big time! :)
Rose said…
Love your that you're included in this, love!!!!!
The Simple Gourmet said…
Welcome to the "big time," many of us will be able to say "we read you when..."
Nana said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nana said…
I tried to get Tangerine at my library, but they did not have it. I asked them to order it for me. Women, essays, recipes, and now you! How terrific!
lisa is cooking said…
I remember reading about the tonic syrup. I'd love to try it. Congratulations on being published! Sounds like a great book.
Patsy said…
Omg...could this be the original skinny girl Gin & Tonic. Please say yes!
Ann from IL said…
Well, I love G&T's, and to enjoy them even more I try to drink them in the warmer months. I love Halloween---it's my favorite time of year/holiday----and the color orange is splashed throughout my house right now. I love the idea of you being published in a way cool orange book. And if I don't win, I'd buy it anyway, too.

I'll still keep my fingers crossed, though.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for the fun giveaway.
rain said…
recipes and poems-- 2 of my favorite things!
Melodie Monberg said…
I think my favorite part of that book is the oranges on the would look perfect in my kitchen! smile!!!