Militant Community Garden Update: Garlic & Carrots!

This past weekend's harvest was small, but nice.
After receiving so many negative emails from the overlords during the week, it's nice to see something positive come out of this whole thing.
We harvested strawberries, a few spring onions, a few stalks of GARLIC! (which still have to dry out), red and yellow beets (we have them coming out of the wazoo), and these beautiful baby carrots.

I have not visited the farmer's market once this season, I am happily using the things that we have grown.
and of course, for your reading pleasure, a daily email from the miserables who run the show.
" Hello All,
Only plant material is to be thrown into the dumpster!!! I saw plastic plant holders in there today. If you have thrown these into the dumpster, please come back and remove them ASAP!
We are hanging 3 feet high chicken wire above the current 2 foot barrier on the outside of the garden. This should keep out the ground hogs. If you see one, let us know!"

Yesterday, a woman walked around the garden with a clipboard taking notes and shaking her head. The garden police will surely be arresting me soon.
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