Militant Community Garden: Harvest #2
Look at me! I am actually becoming a farmer! (highly doubtful, can I garden in Louboutins?).
We harvested a huge bunch of beautiful spinach (stay tuned for spinach recipes, people).
I love spinach, and find it difficult to find lately. Every market now sells "baby spinach", which to me, has no flavor and does not have that thick hearty leaf that can stand up to a hot bacon dressing!
....and if you don't believe me about the militant attitude and nagging emails from our community garden, just read this informative note that we received in our daily email from them. (I hope no one there reads this blog, or I will surely be kicked out!).
"There is now a speed bump as you walk into the garden. This was installed so the main gate would close closer to a barrier so the smaller critters wouldn't get in.
I finally did see a LARGE vole on Thursday. STOMP on them if you can. He was living underneath a wheel barrow. So please return all barrows to the barrow stand!"
Ok, STOMP on a vole? Who are these people and how big could a vole be? This is the attitude of organic farmers who say never use weed killer, but use their feet to kill "critters".
Oy vey.
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OY VEY!!! is right! Stomp, stomp, the farmers are marching.
But the spinach is divine. Everything is beautiful.