April Random Bites

Strange Addiction:
Growing up in NJ, I had always heard about the ladies who lunch going to eat the BEST frozen yogurt on the planet, eaten at the counter at "40 Carats" inside Bloomingdales department store. Yogurt for lunch?
Since I have always been a frozen yogurt hater, I never bothered to try this legendary fake ice cream treat. Recently I met a friend there for lunch who said it was mandatory that I try this stuff. (My sister also has been eating this for 20 years).
This was absolutely delicious. What do they put in this stuff to make it totally addictive? There were plenty of 80 year old skinny women at the counter eating it, so no one has died (or gained any weight) from it yet.

When all else fails, you always have cavatelli, sausage & peas (one of Henry's favorite dinners).

For 4 portions:
Saute 2 links of good Italian sausage with 3 cloves of chopped garlic and olive oil.
Once the pink is out of the sausage, add 1/3 cup of chicken stock and place the lid on.
Add 1 cup of frozen peas and simmer while your pasta is cooking.
Add 8 oz. of cooked pasta with a few tbsp of the starchy pasta water to the sausage and peas and simmer another minute or two, till the sauce is coating the cavatelli. Grate in enough Parmigiano Reggiano to thicken the sauce (about 1/4 cup).
Easy Peasy.
I baked this awesome cinnamon crumb cake made with yogurt. Here is the recipe.
It was gobbled up before I could even take photos, but here is the last piece.

Thankfully, tonight is the last night of Passover.
Now I can finish the box of matzoh and that amazing scary beetroot horseradish that I received as a gift for Easter.

It's so delicious, but it's so hot, my eyes tear when I eat it, but my sinuses feel better than any Claritin could ever make them feel.
April Militant Community Garden Update:
They finally turned the water on this week, so I can water my seedlings.

I don't have my bumper crop of asparagus yet, it's taking its sweet ass time, but I am hopeful that in the next few weeks you will see some great asparagus recipes here.

Guilty Pleasures: Late Night Snacks
I know I shouldn't tell you that I eat a Reuben sandwich sometimes late at night when I am craving salt, but I will tell you anyway, since there are no secrets between us.

It is the BEST Reuben sandwich EVER (also best eaten after 9 pm). Corned beef cooked in Guinness, with melted Swiss, Russian dressing and buttered toasted rye. My mouth is watering just writing about it. It can be yours to have if you can get to Charlie's Aunt in Chatham, NJ.
Have a great weekend.
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Have a great weekend.
Great post; thanks for all the info! You're going to keep me busy...can't wait to try the Bloomie's frozen yogurt,the reuben AND the cavatelli.
Thank you for your love letter.
I love you too!
xo Stacey
A side note to anonymous, thanks and I love you too!
I just read the Food52 article and have to say that I agree w/ Ms. Hesser.
I don't consider myself a food writer and certainly don't do this for the big bucks.
I am a good home cook and have a passion for food, which is obvious!
I started 4 years ago and I am thrilled with response to my recipes and ramblings and can't thank you enough for the compliment!
I do this not for the money, but for the satisfaction of knowing people like you (even though you remain anonymous!).
Thank you.