Coffee, Cake & a Holiday Giveaway!

I could live without cookies, but could not live without cake.

I could live without tea (I hate tea), but could not live without coffee.

Coffee is my only addiction, as well as a great pleasure in my life (I'm easy).

When I wake up, I can not speak until my first of cup of morning joe (and I am not talking about Joe Scarborough). That's where the addiction comes in.

But afternoons are a different story.

I look forward to my 3:00 after school snack, a piece of cake and good cup of coffee.
I usually stop in at Starbuck's for my afternoon java, however, now I can buy their new K-Cups made especially for Keurig machines to brew at home!

They brew a perfect one cup every time (I sound like a commercial), and I can buy a supply of them to have on hand. Delicious!

The Foodbuzz Tastemakers Program & Starbucks gave me the opportunity to try the new K-Cups as well as give away a lovely Keurig home brewing coffee machine to one of my readers for the holidays (along with some Starbucks K-Cups, of course).

Tell us why you love coffee, and 1 random winner will win this lovely Keurig machine.
What a great holiday gift!

Winners announced on 12/23.

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I love setting my coffee maker real early and waking up to the smell and then a cup of coffee before everyone else gets up. I'm like you - I don't like to do anything or talk to anyone before I have had my coffee.
Wanda said…
I don't usually make coffee at home, unless it's instant. Yes....instant. Usually I buy one, but this would make an awesome cup of java to enjoy in the morning or anytime for that matter. Have a great Xmas Stacey!!!
sue said…
Happy Holidays Stacey. I look forward to reading your blog every day. This coffee maker would be something just for me (I tend to do everything for everyone else and forget me).
Unknown said…
My favorite time of the day is early in the morning with a cup of coffee and the WSJ or laptop!
Anonymous said…
I can't think of a more perfect way to start my day....especially on the weekends...than with a nice cup of hot coffee! Happy Holidays Stacey!
Wanda D. (from Maine)
SueZ said…
I would love to try that machine. I am curious if it is better than my ground beans/drip coffee. HAVE to have my jolt(s) of caffein in the AM.
Randi Lynne said…
Coffee warms me up and is the perfect start to every morning. For me, morning coffee is a ritual centered on enjoying a great taste and getting energized. :)
Lisa said…
I am more of a deluxe coffee drinker, milk, cream and flavoring. My husband is the plain old joe kind of guy, just black coffee. Happy Holidays to you Stacy, I so enjoy your blog.
AnaLisa said…
Coming from a Latin household, coffee is a daily must. I brew all types, from the normal cup of joe to cuban coffee to iced lattes.....the first sip is always the best. I find that any time of the day or season is coffee time.

Happy Holidays Stacey...looking forward to enjoying more of your recipes.
Anonymous said…
I love coffee and CAN'T DRINK IT ANYMORE! I never abused the it, but enjoyed my one cup a day THROUGHLY! A few years ago, I noticed it was upseting my stomach. The link became more and more obvious, finally reaching the point that I had to ditch the stuff. I substitute was very long brewed tea, TAZO Awake. I sometimes think about giving coffee another try, but I don't, evidence to the fact that I really know my system can't handle it. To all you Starbuckers out there, I'm JEALOUS, and ENJOY!!!
janice said…
I love the smell, the ritual the little kick you get that says. "Hello--get going girl!". And of course, coffee cake. Can't very well drink TEA with COFFEE CAKE, now can you?
Stacey said…
I have grown to love coffee. Always loved the smell but it wasn't until I was in law school that I acquired my addiction to it!
Isabelle said…
I love coffee, I savor every sip in the morning before I get on the train to work. Would love to be able to win this Keurig machine! Thanks for the chance, love you blog!
Chris said…
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rain said…
mmm hot coffee, iced vietnamese coffee, coffee flavored ice cream! coffee anything is delicious! : D
Anonymous said…
I love coffee because the making and the drinking of it separate dreams from reality.
I love coffee because it reminds me of the lover who introduced me to enjoying it.
I love coffee and at an age when one might contemplate retiring, am about to open my own coffee bar called Coffee Bar None.

To you and yours, Ms. Stacey, a wish for a Christmas bar none. Ann in Victoria
Deb said…
Like you, I need that cup of coffee right out of bed! With just the right amount of cream and sugar!
morgan said…
I live in Seattle, I think they'd boot me out of the city if I didn't love coffee!
Anonymous said…
I love coffee! It tastes like home. It's like a type of comfort food for me!
So many reasons to love coffee...the taste, the way it makes me feel, the comforting aspect of rocks :)
Carolyn G said…
I love the taste. I love that you can also have it so many ways: with cream, with sugar, iced, black. It also makes me feel comforted when I drink it
Susan..... said…
I love the morning ritual. I hardly ever drink it after noon.

Leann said…
I really don't drink coffee a lot.. I do like it. It has to have lots of "flavors" in it... :)
Ciao Chow Linda said…
What? hate tea? You must give really good tea a try! Your coffee giveaway is so perfect for the holidays - and it would avoid spending all those $ at Starbucks.
Mubeena M. said…
I loveeeeee the smell of coffee!
Melodie Monberg said…
I love the steamy smell that wakes up my nose and the warm liquid that wakes up my insides. Nutty, dark and rich...all wrapped up together! I LOVE coffee!
Ashley said…
I love coffee b/c it is the only thing that can wake me up in the mornings.

hewella1 at gmail dot com
Cathy said…
I enjoy reading your blog in the mornings and it would be even better with a lovely cup of Starbucks coffee.
Boi Polloi said…
I don't drink coffee (it gives me a rather nasty stomach ache), but my husband does. Making his coffee for him makes me feel good, it's just another small way I show my love for him each day.
Susan said…
There's nothing better to start my day than a really good cup 'o joe!
Megan C said…
My day doesnt go right if I dont drink a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper. I have heard how good this coffee is but never tried it. Sure hope I win it :)
Lisa in Indy said…
I love the aroma of freshly ground coffee whether I pass it in the grocery aisle or at home. Mmmmm! Cappucino and the Hazlenut flavored coffees are my favorites. Something about the layers of flavor seduces you into savoring it and makes you want to linger. I would LOVE to have a Keurig and I know I'd be in trouble if I had a Kuerig because I'd pop one of those coffee babies in every hour! Thank you, Stacey and happy holidays to you and Henry.
kim said…
I see a Philly fluff in that photo!
kjasus said…
i cannot function without caffeine. it's either coffee or diet coke in my hands all day long. what a fantastic giveaway, but i'd rather have the coffee than the brewer. lol!
Joanne said…
I'm pretty fanatical about my coffee and similarly can't utter a word to anyone until I've had it!
kimt said…
I love coffee...the smell..the taste. The weird thing is I didn't start drinking it til I was in my 50s. Misses out for so many years.
Kim said…
I love coffee and need it to function. With three little ones I need all the energy help I can get! Thanks for the giveaway offer and Merry Christmas!
Bridgette said…
I love coffee black with a slice of cheesecake!!!
Denise said…
I love coffee first thing in the morning & midafternoon.
I couldn't live without coffee, I only drink tea when I'm sick. I need it in the morning or otherwise I couldn't function. Every evening without fail I make a pot, I can drink it at midnight and still fall asleep, no decaf here! I love my Keurig and just bought a huge box of Starbucks Caffe Verona at Costco, so congrats to whoever wins it!
Meghan said…
I love coffee: it makes me happy, warms me up, gives me a kick in the toosh. I love everything about it!!!
Stephanie said…
Love coffee! Definitely helps me get through the day. Especially love iced coffee...even in the winter.
happyvalleymom said…
Must have coffee every single morning! That is how I get movin'
Julie said…
Wow...what a great giveaway! I love the way coffee smells, so familiar and comforting :)
Susan I. said…
My morning cup gives me comfort and companionship as I sit curled up in my bathrobe reading last night's Stacy Snacks recipe.
mrsdreajulian said…
I work night shift and coffee is the only thing that gets me moving when it is time to go to work. I often experiment with different flavors, since you have so many to choose from!
Margaret said…
Hi Stacey :) I too, can barely speak in the morning till I have had my first cup of coffee! Winning your Keurig giveway would make getting up in the morning a delight! Happy Holiday Season!
Thank-you, Margaret from B.C.
Tara said…
I love love love coffee in pretty much all forms :) THanks for the giveaway.
Judy said…
I have only one caffinated drink a day and that is my morning coffee, then I am good to go. I don't drink sodas or tea or energy drinks. I get up at 5:00 AM everyday even on weekends to walk my 3 dogs and NEED that coffee kick but I want it to taste good also. I love to have a cranberry/orange scone with my coffee when it is available. Have a great holiday season. Judy from Florida
Carlene's World said…
I've been thinking about getting a new coffee maker like the Keurig where I can brew just one good cup of Joe at a time. I'm a coffee snob...can't drink the bad stuff.
cupcake said…
Honestly, I can't stand the stuff (my caffeine fix comes from Diet Coke), but my husband is ridiculously useless and insufferable without it. Save a marriage!
Marika said…
Aaah coffee! The drink of the gods. I was introduced to the taste in a very early childhood. A huge cup of hot milk, with just a little strong coffee that gave it hint of flavor and gave the milk a beautiful color.

Then when I became a teenager, my best friend and I treated ourselves to a Sunday afternoon visit to a pastry shop, and had espresso in little cups with one sugar cube, but without milk or cream.

After some years, I was completely taken by surprise, by the way my parents consumed coffee. They brewed coffee so strong that the little spoon stood up in the little espresso cups. As soon as I emptied mine, with me even noticing it, my cup was full again, and again…and again.. ! I had a coffee buzz during my whole two weeks while I was in Hungary.

Now I have a little stove-top espresso maker because I’m addicted to the wonderful coffee flavor and the intoxicating smell when I open the coffee jar. Starting your day with a delicious cup of coffee sets the tone for the whole day!
The coffee pot is set for my wake up time and it gets me out of bed in the morning.
alg said…
The first sip of coffee is the best time of the day...
Kadensgran said…
Could not live without my coffee either. First thing every morning is a brew a pot that we spit from throughout the day. Gets my day off to the right start. Warm, delicious and satisifying.
Stacey Snacks said…
THat IS a Philly Fluff in the clever girl!!!
(my favorite cake from Natale's!!).

Lynn S said…
I love coffee because it makes me smile! Especially Peppermint Mocha lattes at Starbucks - I cannot take a sip without smiling! I love brewing starbucks coffee at home but having the K-cups would make it more convenient and quicker!
Kevin said…
My girlfriend cannot function in the morning w/out coffee and she uses instant because it's the quikest thing she can make...yuk!! My brother has the keurig and it's wonderful...soon i'll be able to afford the machine and buy it for her!!! But maybe i'll be lucky and win her one the way i love your blog everyday:-)
Lisa said…
mmmmmm Starbucks coffee. I've had a love affair with Verona for years now. My favourite way to have it? Made with boiling hot water in my French press. Add in a touch of cream and a teaspoon of raw sugar..... heaven!
Lisa said…
mmmmmm Starbucks coffee. I've had a love affair with Verona for years now. My favourite way to have it? Made with boiling hot water in my French press. Add in a touch of cream and a teaspoon of raw sugar..... heaven!
Lali said…
I have to have my coffee as soon as I wake up. I am like a magnet to the coffee grinder and coffee pot. I then ease into my day by checking my email and looking forward to your newest posting.
Nana said…
The fragrance of coffee in the morning....enough said! Happy Holidays and thank you for a great blog!
madeline said…
i LOVE the ritual behind coffee! I didn't even start drinking it untill well after college (I don't do caffiene - I AM caffiene!) But now I'm a full-on addict, still decaf but I'll drink it all day long. Two cups of hot in the a.m. and then hot or cold well into the late afternoon! As for coffee cake, I'll never refuse a new recipe to make it or prefferabley a home-baked slab og it! Bring on the Kuerig and coffee cake!
susitravl said…
Love the coffeemaker. Thanks for having a great blog that is a "must read" for me!
Flora from MA said…
Coffee, what is there to say. For me, it has always been the best part of morning life as an adult. Over the years, as I have aged, it started as instant Maxwell house! Then I moved out on my own and I got my first coffee maker, Mr. Coffee. I thought I had it all. Then my tastes started to refine, everything from French Press to Puerto Rican coffee, made in a sauce pot, no strainer, with sugar. Pretty good actually. So many brands, specialty at specialty stores, A & P fresh roast, ahh the memories. America runs on Dunkin Donuts. : ) Coffee with my friends at Starbucks. Now I will tell you the best cup of coffee I believe I have had as an adult. It was my first day after I retired. Sitting with my coffee with white chocolate creamer, watching tv and not having to go anywhere. That first morning coffee is back to a relaxation that can overcome anything the day has to offer. The Kuerig machine is the best coffee maker for me, but I only get Kuerig at my friends house. I don't know why but I only buy the machine for my friends. So, I'm back to instant, but I have to say, I think of buying myself a Kuerig every time I'm in Costco.
denise s said…
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denise s said…
Love coffee first thing in the morning. It wakes me in two ways - first the hum of the grinder as it is set to go off at 5am , then as I drink my first cup and start the day.
I love my coffee as it gets me going in the morning too! I have a Keurig and would love to win one to give away as a gift. Thanks for the chance!
Sara said…
Coffee is my signal to get moving. Thanks for your blog and recipes. Happy Holidays!
Anonymous said…
I love coffee because it reminds me of my dad who decided to not have a relationship with me after my parents divorced. Everytime i smell coffee it reminds me of him.
Jill I. said…
I love coffee to start my day but I especially love the afternoon break and the energy to get back at it :)
Anonymous said…
I love the taste and smell of coffee, and how it fills me up when I'm hungry at work. And how many flavors there are to try!
madelinebrubaker {at} gmail (dot) com
Pat R said…
I LOVE coffee because it tastes soooooo good!!!!
Carrie said…
I love the social nature of coffee drinking. I don't actually drink much myself, but my dad (I would give this to him) does, and I enjoy sitting around with my dad and brothers when we get together. (them with coffee, me with hot chocolate). I do love the smell, though!
Monica said…
I'm like you and look forward to my 3:00 p.m. cup of coffee with something sweet. I would love to win this Keurig machine!
AubreyLaine said…
I love coffee because it helps me stay alert and tastes so delicious!
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
Amy said…
Why I love coffee? The taste, the smell of freshly ground dark roast can't be beat. Thanks for all your wonderfully inspiring recipes!
Natalie said…
i'll be honest...i love coffee bc i love adding bailey's and whipped cream to it ;)
ladyjayne said…
Coffee promises the effervescent snap to face my busy days caring for my princess granddaughter, Josephine. Her smile gives me a LOT, but it's that sip of coffee that gives me the oomph to keep me keeping on...It's just The Best!
Anonymous said…
I love coffee because it taste great, keeps me alert and its an appetite suppressant.
An American said…
I love coffee because it has the power to start your day off right. Everytime i have a bad cup of coffee at 8 am i know it just the being of whats to come. I would love to win a Keurig machine because i would know that everyday would start off with a perfect cup off coffee :) and i've also be lusting after one for over a year now. :)
The JR said…
Wow, what a fantastic giveaway. I've been wanting one of these since they came out.

I luv that you can have one cup of coffee anytime you want it without wasting a whole pot. Coffee is a great pick-me-up and a wonderful way to warm up quick!

Happy holidays.
Unknown said…
I'm the same way, I need my coffee before I can do anything! Everytime my husband takes my 2.5 year old to the store, he always tells him to buy "mama coffee" lol.
i love coffee because it kicks off my days to a wonderful start! i love the taste and the wake up call it gives me!

email: alyssabubbleteax3@gmail(dot)com
Alicia said…
I love coffee for the taste, not the caffeine. Starbucks decaf espresso is my favorite. I usually have a cup in the morning when I get to work and one after dinner.
Katherine said…
Coffee is community, warmth and the start of the day with a cup of hope. I look forward to saturday and sunday every week because my roommate and best friend since college and I wake up and made our way to the kitchen where the first up is already grinding and brewing the other coffee in the french press. Its a one or two hour window where we sit, drink, talk, cry, complain, rant, pray and work out the kinks of the week. :)

The coffee is the reason we sit together. The sitting together is what gets us through week to week. Coffee is community.
Dana said…
Don't enter me because I already have a Keurig and also have some Starbucks cups coming, but just have to say I'm glad you like the Starbucks coffee! I've been a little underwhelmed by the coffee that came with the Keurig. I love the machine - the convenience is amazing. Just want better coffee!
memlarson said…
Love a cup of Chai Tea Latte in the morning -- the cold winter mornings of northern Wisconsin demand a hot cuppa somethin' to warm my fingers and get me moving!
Allison C said…
I actually can't drink coffee anymore because I can't have any dairy products (and I had to basically drown my coffee to drink it), but my mom LOVES coffee! She loves it because it tastes good and helps her wake up, but the rest of the family loves it because it keeps her happy. No coffee means a cranky mom and no one wants that! I would love to give this to her...her machine is looking very overused and sad.
Charles Boyce said…
Good things happen over coffee. Great conversations are had, and it starts off my morning right. Those are the reasons why coffee is so great.
I like my coffee walking...heehee I love it super strong with a touch of steamed milk. Coffee a must in the morning and afternoon. Addiction??? I like to think I just "like" it A LOT!!!
Lori said…
It's a warm, comforting beverage with a bonus energy boost!
Ladytink_534 said…
I love coffee on cold mornings. Especially when I'm headed out to shop!

I love the smell and the rich flavor. It's a must in the morning!
Jean Luce said…
Love making one cup of coffee at a time and enjoying it mornings and more with a goodie of course.
TK said…
I love the wonderful aroma of coffee. I try not to drink more than one cup a day though.
Elisabeth said…
I always look forward to my big cup of coffee in the morning! Thanks :)

vandango33 at gmail dot com
PurpleLarkspur said…
I love the smell of coffee. It makes any room easier to be in!

larkspurpurple (at)
Soy milk gets me going in the morning, but I love a cup of coffee in the afternoon, around 2pm. Especially when I have an anise biscotti to go with it:) Happy Holidays!
Lori said…
Warm, energizing, delicious, whats not to love! I would be most upset if I was unable to drink coffee.
Priscilla's Momma said…
I truly want to thank you for being such a huge source of culinary inspiration for me. My family thanks you, too, for all of the delicious dinners and treats that they have enjoyed over the last couple years. When anyone asks where I get my recipes, I always say “my Stacey” and everyone simply throws their hands in the air as they say “of course” because they all know I am your biggest fan. Your recipes are simple whilst wholesome and I just love your pictures! As for coffee, I don’t know where I would be without it! I need it to get through my work day and my “home day”, as I like to call it. I work full time and have a 1 year old and a very messy husband that doesn’t “see” his mess. I need the sweet, rich coffee deliciousness to keep me sane and my floors clean. I have had my Keurig for a little over a year and now the poor thing is in perpetual “de-scale” mode. I have tried everything from white vinegar and the cleansers they sell at the store to praying for my dearest coffee maker to get better (it only brews a tiny bit at a time so it takes 10 minutes and 3 cycles to make a cup). Has your machine ever had this issue? I must fix it, as a new one is financially out of the question. Any suggestions would be awesome! Thank you for everything you do, Stacey! Have a happy birthday, holiday and New Year!

Renee Ostrov
Rachel said…
I love coffee because it makes me happy. My husband makes me a big cup every morning that I sip while I make lunches for my children. As a controlled substance, it has has propelled me though the making of more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches than I can imagine.
theartist25 said…
I love coffee because it inspires me to make comics and creatively think in the morning and all throughout the day.
Carla said…
I have LOVED coffee from the time my daddy let me sip it from his saucer, to my mom's chagrin.

My local STARBUCKS has become the CHEERS of my life. I stop in daily and have amassed a wonderful group of friends ranging from a newspaper columnist, a repairman, teachers, a high school parking attendant, two former Dallas Cowboys,a realtor and a caterer.

All these great friends from a daily cup of coffee!
Dee said…
I love coffee because there are so many different ways to drink it and it's the perfect beverage for enjoying while catching up with friends! :)

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Thanks for the chance!
I love that there are so many different flavors and kinds of coffee! More flavors than even soda. You can never get bored drinking coffee :)
Anonymous said…
i love coffee because it wakes me upn and gets me going! Great taste too!

email: terryguitardad@gmaildot)com
Elana said…
Coffee has a varity of flavors! i love the different kinds of brews and beans! I love the taste and the warmth it gives in the morning!

email: elanadiaries@gmail(dot)com

i hope i win! thanks!