Decadent: Bacon Jam

Bacon Jam.
Bacon what?
You read it right. Bacon Jam or Marmalade. So good.
Great on a tomato sandwich or a cheeseburger or just swiped on a crostini.
This is love.
I loved it best with a nice good cheddar on a cracker. Heavenly.

There are a ton of recipes out there for bacon jam, but since Julie's recipes are tried and true, I went with hers.
The only thing I did differently was I simmered the jam for an hour (instead of the half hour that she suggests) and I added more vinegar.
Pure decadence.

Bacon Jam: (adapted from Dinner w/ Julie)
1 lb. smoked bacon (I used Oscar Meyer), roughly chopped
1 small onion, chopped
4 garlic cloves, chopped
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup brewed coffee
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 tbsp grainy mustard
3 tbsp balsamic or cider vinegar
In your heaviest stockpot, cook the bacon pieces for a few minutes, rendering the fat, until just starting to get crisp. Remove the bacon w/ a slotted spoon and pour out most of the fat.

Saute the chopped onion and garlic for 5 minutes in a little of the bacon fat leftover, until turning golden.

Add the bacon back into the pot and add the rest of the ingredients.
Turn the flame down and simmer the bacon mixture for about an hour until it looks like it has a jammy consistency.

Let cool and pulse for 3 seconds only in a food processor to chop it just a bit.
This made about enough to fill an 8 oz. glass jar, and kept in the fridge for 2 weeks.

Oh my!

Experimental Cookie Dough
Thank you for noticing my typo!
I just revised the recipe to include the sugar.