What's for Lunch? Double Bean Salad w/ Tuna

Once again, here is a great salad using those little white beans from a can, habichuelas blancas and some amazing quality tuna from a can.
I recently had the opportunity to try Wild Planet Tuna. A sustainably caught wild tuna. It had a wonderful texture and flavor and is the highest in omega 3 good fats (3460 mg per can!) and the lowest in mercury content of all the canned tuna out there.
You can find it at Whole Foods.

I made a great easy salad with Wild Planet.
You can add olives or tomatoes, but since tomatoes are not in season here, I used roasted red peppers instead.
I like having this salad waiting in the fridge for me, it forces me to eat a healthy lunch.
Double Bean Salad with Tuna:
1 lb. green beans, cut in half on the diagonal
1 roasted red pepper (from a jar is fine), cut into pieces
1/4 red onion, diced
1 14oz. can of small white beans, drained and rinsed
1 can of Wild Planet tuna
3 tbsp of vinegar (any flavor is fine, I used cider vinegar this time)
6 tbsp olive oil
sea salt & pepper
fresh chopped parsley
Cook the green beans in boiling water for 4 minutes until al dente. Drain and run under cold water to keep the nice bright green color and stop the cooking process.
Add all the ingredients to a large bowl and sprinkle with sea salt and pepper.
Toss with oil and vinegar and serve with fresh parsley on top.
Eat & stay healthy!

This salad looks awesome and I even think I have everything for it in my pantry. Yay, lunch!