Summer Delights: Zucchini Lasagne
As I was grilling my 3rd batch of zucchini this week, I was thinking, "what am I going to do with all of this?".
A layered lasagne, using the zucchini slices instead of noodles it was going to be.
I had an idea for a recipe, but took some notes from Elaine's recipe via her beautiful mother Angela from Naples.
This can be an all day affair if you don't do some things ahead.
I always have fresh breadcrumbs in the freezer.
I always have homemade tomato sauce in the freezer.
I always have freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano and grated mozzarella in the fridge, so all I really have to do is grill the zucchini, and you can even do that the day before.

Wow, I am not usually so well organized.
Elaine's recipe calls for boiling the zucchini strips for 5 minutes in water, until limp, but I liked the grill marks and the crispy edges, so I grilled mine.
A little kosher salt and olive oil and a few minutes on the grill.

Zucchini Lasagne (adapted from The Italian Dish):
3-4 large zucchini, sliced the long way, grilled or cooked for 5 min. in boiling water
1 cup of homemade tomato sauce (you can use whatever sauce you like)
1 cup of fresh ricotta cheese
2 eggs (Elaine's recipe calls for 4 eggs)
1 cup of freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese (use the real stuff) (divided)
1 cup of grated mozzarella cheese (divided)
1 cup of fresh breadcrumbs (divided)
fresh chopped parsley
salt & pepper

Make the ricotta mixture by adding the eggs, ricotta cheese, 1/2 cup of parmesan, 1/2 cup of breadcrumbs, salt & pepper and fresh parsley. Set aside.
In a small rectangle baker (8 x 10), lay some tomato sauce on the bottom of the pan.
Lay slices of zucchini, overlapping them a bit like noodles.

Next, layer a dollop of the ricotta cheese on top & spread over the zucchini slices, and sprinkle w/ half the mozzarella cheese.
Layer with another row of zucchini slices.
Next add some more tomato sauce on top of the zucchini and sprinkle the other 1/2 cup of the breadcrumbs over the sauce. Finish with the rest of the ricotta mixture.
Sprinkle the other 1/2 cup of mozzarella and 1/2 cup of the Parmesan cheese on top of the ricotta mixture.
This will be your topping, a nice baked cheesy fluffy mixture, that browns in the oven.
I liked that!
Bake at 350F for about 40-45 minutes.
Let sit an hour before serving.

This was fantastico!

Wow! So that I'd have leftovers (which I'm sure are delicious), I'd server way smaller portions with some grilled chicken. I wouldn't send any of this home with guests. Stingy but strategic.
The peach muffins down below look so delicious too.
I would stick with the zucchini in this recipe, but if you want a really great eggplant recipe, check out the grilled eggplant parm I made a few days might fit the bill and has no ricotta.