Sauteed Spinach
I just bought a huge amount of local spinach at the farmer's market on Long Island and there is nothing like it.
The leaves are big and bright green.
Not the "baby" spinach, that is found prewashed in bags (and has no real flavor), but the real deal.

Remember, that green thick leafy vegetable that made Popeye so strong?
That's what I'm talkin' about.
The stuff you add bacon and hard boiled egg and a warm honey mustard dressing to make a delicious salad with.
Here is a great way to eat your spinach.
The only down side is you will think you have so much spinach that it won't fit in the pan, but once you cook it, it barely feeds 2 people.
Sauteed Spinach:
2 huge bunches of fresh spinach (about 2 lbs), roots removed and washed thoroughly (get all that sand off....I soak mine in a bowl of water)
3 garlic cloves, sliced
1 tbsp kosher salt
shake of hot pepper flakes
handful of golden raisins
olive oil for the pan
Coat a heavy skillet with olive oil and add your garlic cloves.
Turn on the heat and cook garlic a minute until fragrant.
Place your spinach directly on top (make sure it is not still wet) of the garlic and move around with tongs for about a minute. It will cook and wilt quickly.
Add the salt, hot pepper and raisins and continue moving around in the pan for about 2 more minutes until the desired consistency.
I like to serve a nice piece of grilled fish or chicken on top of it.

Why turn the heat on after the garlic's in?
However,last night I cooked the bag of spinach in the microwave - a first. Once it cooked I didn't know what to do with it. You're right!! No flavor, but we did eat it. A little oil and s&p.