Grilled Vegetables 101
"How come your grilled vegetables always look so nice?".
It's simple.
First, choose the vegetables you are going to be grilling.
I like zucchini, yellow squash, red bell pepper, red onion, asparagus and eggplant.
These 6 are my favorite and they don't fall thru the grates of the grill (I do the apsaragus on the top grate).

I buy Indian eggplants, which are 3" egg shaped eggplants, and I slice them in half lengthwise. For the big eggplants, I like to slice down the middle, the long way, this way, they are less likely to burn.

For the zucchini and yellow squash: Slice down the middle, lengthwise, then slice into 1/2" strips. You don't want the slices too thin, or they will burn.

Cut the red pepper into squares or thick slices, and cut the red onion into quarters, leaving the stem in tact.
Place your vegetables in a large bowl and drizzle olive oil all over to coat.
Sprinkle liberally w/ kosher salt and mix with your hands to make sure all the veggies are coated.
I place all the vegetables on my Char-Broil Heatwave Infrared grill at the same time.

The zucchini & asparagus will be the first vegetables to be done. Keep a close eye on them, they cook fast.
The red bell pepper will finish cooking last.
You will know they are done, once they have nice grill marks on both sides.
Arrange them in sections on a platter and drizzle w/ good balsamic vinegar while still warm. Drizzle with a little olive oil and sprinkle with fresh herbs.
These are great served warm with fresh mozzarella, or cold on sandwiches kept in the fridge all week.

I just found this great antique table. It's an original French enamel cafe table c.1900 with an ad for an aperitif, called Quinquina (made w/ quinine). It has a wrought iron base and original patina!
It was a great find!

What a nice find!