Sweet Potato Gratin

I am sorry I didn't post this BEFORE Thanksgiving, but you still have time to make it for Christmas!
I received a comment last week on this recipe: "Why do you call this a gratin?"
I know that gratins usually have breadcrumbs or cheese on top and baked till bubbly and crusty.
Well, this is baked with honey on top, and forms a beautiful crust, and I bake it in a gratin dish, so I am sticking with the gratin title.
This is the most requested recipe for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
If I didn't make it, there would be mutiny.
It's a big pain to peel and grate all those sweet potatoes, but it will be well worth it.

I make it the day before I am going to serve it & reheat it for 30 minutes.
Sweet Potato Gratin:
3/4 c half and half
1/2 c orange juice
1/4 c firmly packed brown sugar
3 tbsp butter
1 tbsp grated orange peel
1 1/2 tsp coriander
1 tsp salt
3/4 tsp ground ginger
4.5 lb sweet potatoes, peeled & grated (about 5 big ones or 10 small ones)
3 tbsp honey for the top
Grate your sweet potatoes either with a box grater (if you are insane), or with the grater disc on your food processor (which is what I recommend).

Preheat oven to 350F. Butter a 13"x9"x2" baking dish. Bring to a boil, the orange juice, half and half, brown sugar, butter, grated orange peel, coriander, salt, and ground ginger to boil in heavy large skillet over high heat, stirring constantly.
Mix in the grated sweet potatoes.

Spoon sweet potato mixture into prepared baking dish. Cover tightly with foil wrap.
Bake for 1 hour.

Uncover and drizzle the honey over and bake for another 10 minutes until crispy and golden. I serve this garnished with parsley and orange peel strips

Sounds fantastic.