Smoked Salmon Tartare in Cucumber Cups
This is such an easy and elegant appetizer. It's a great combination of flavors, though it may be a bit odd sounding with the addition of chopped dill pickle.
I am not sure where I found this recipe, but have adapted it over the years to my liking. I fill the mixture into hollowed out cucumber cups instead of on toast, as the original recipe calls for.
Smoked Salmon Tartare in Cucumber Cups:
2 medium size cucumbers (English seedless hot house variety are the best)
8 oz. of good quality smoked salmon, chopped
2 tsp of capers, chopped
2 tsp of chopped dill pickle (you can use pickle relish if you like it sweet)
1 tablespoon of chopped scallion or chives
1 tablespoon of Hellman's mayo
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

Peel some of the skin off the cukes decoratively with a vegetable peeler, and slice cucumbers into 3/4" rounds. With a melon ball scoop or flat spoon, carefully scoop out the seeds, making a cup, try not to go thru to the bottom of the cucumber. Leave some room so you can fill them.

Sprinkle your cucumber slices with some salt and turn cucumbers upside down on a dish towel or layer of paper towels for 10 minutes to remove some of the moisture. This is important, otherwise the cucumbers will be runny and wet.
Combine the chopped smoked salmon, chopped capers, dill pickle and rest of ingredients in a bowl. This is your tartare.

Spoon about a teaspoon of salmon mixture into each cucumber cup and present on a platter.
Can be made 2 hours in advance and kept cold, as long as your cucumbers have been drained of moisture, otherwise they will be runny!

Seem like, we both really like tomato. So, I've created a new tomato galette recipe on my cooking site. I have the feeling that you are going to like it, no?