Summer Squash Gratin w/ Salsa Verde & Gruyere
"If you don't have any zucchini, then you must not have any friends".
That said by my friend's Italian grandfather.
I guess I have no friends, because no one left me any of their crop on my front porch this summer!
Boo Hiss!
My sister had the biggest zucchini on her counter that I have ever seen, courtesy of her neighbor.
Around this time of year in New Jersey, everyone seems to have a ton of tomatoes and zucchini and they wind up giving it away!
Instead, I have to buy it weekly at the farm stand at the shore, along with local eggplant and tomatoes.
There are so many dishes to be made with summer squash, savory and sweet, the possibilities are endless.
Here is a terrific recipe from Suzanne Goin's Sunday Suppers at Lucques.

If you don't know it by now, Suzanne's recipes are an all day affair. They are not difficult, however, they are very time consuming with many steps.
I have never been disappointed for my efforts. The results have always been fantastic.

Summer Squash Gratin w/ Salsa Verde & Gruyere Cheese (adapted from Sunday Suppers at Lucques)
For the Salsa Verde: (Goin loves tapenades and homemade condiments)
1 cup fresh parsley
1/4 cup mint leaves
1 tbsp of oregano leaves
1 garlic clove
1 anchovy
1 tbsp of capers
1/4 cup olive oil
squeeze of a lemon
Suzanne likes you to use a mortar & pestle. Well, I don't have one, so I gave it a quick whiz in my food processor, or you can hand chop if you like.
Should have the consistency of pesto.
Set aside.

Fresh Toasted Breadcrumbs:
I guess you could cheat and use panko crumbs, but since I was going thru the trouble of making the recipe, I figured don't be lazy.
In a food processor, throw in some stale baguette slices and pulse until crumbs form.
You will need 1.5 cups for the recipe.
In a frying pan, melt 3 tablespoons of butter. Toss your breadcrumbs with the butter for a few minutes, using a wooden spoon to move them around. They will start to brown and smell nutty. Set aside.

Squash Gratin Ingredients and Instructions:
about 2.5 lbs (about 4) of summer squash
kosher salt & pepper
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tbsp of fresh thyme
1 shallot, sliced
1/2 cup of salsa verde
1.5 cups of toasted breadcrumbs (divided)
1 cup of grated Gruyere cheese

Butter a large oval gratin dish. Preheat oven to 400F.
Slice your zucchini and yellow squash into 1/8" slices and sprinkle kosher salt over in a bowl to drain out moisture. Let rest 10 minutes.
Drain your zucchini of moisture and transfer to a large bowl. Mix squash slices with minced garlic, thyme, sliced shallots, HALF of the breadcrumbs (save the rest for the topping) and the salsa verde.
Now add the grated cheese and mix well.
Spread your squash mixture into buttered gratin dish and pour remaining toasted breadcrumbs on top.

Bake about 40 minutes until top is bubbling and brown.


Maybe if I made this more often, I would have more friends..........
