Pissaladiere My Way

I have been wanting to make pissaladiere forever. But since I am a bread virgin (I have never made bread at home before), I hate the thought of making the yeast bread for the base of this gorgeous tart from the South of France.
Well, I made it tonight, my way, with puff pastry, and it was better than any I have ever eaten in Paris!
I used Trader Joe's frozen puff pastry, which was much nicer than the usual Pepperidge Farm stuff, and much cheaper than Dufor Puff Pastry. It was less greasy than the other brands.
I started by rolling out the dough on a floured board to fit my long rectangle tart pan that I have been saving for years, in hopes to make this beautiful recipe from Nice, France.
If you don't have a square tart pan with a removable bottom, then just use a 9 x 11 cookie sheet, that would work too.
Pissaladiere My Way:
Here is what you will need along with the puff pastry:
4 yellow onions
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp brown sugar
Slice your onions nice and thin and caramelize them by cooking on medium heat for about 10-15 minutes until golden (not brown), then add your sugar and vinegar and cook for another few minutes. Take off the heat and set onions aside.

Next set of ingredients that you will need:
1/4 cup of freshly grated parmesan cheese
about 6 kalamata or other black brine cured olives, cut in half
a can of anchovies, drained from oil
4 capers to dot the middle of the X design
a few sprigs of fresh thyme (optional)
After you have fitted your puff pastry dough in your pan, sprinkle the 1/4 cup of grated cheese on the bottom of the crust.
Now spoon your yummy onions over the cheese and spread out evenly.

Lay anchovies in an X design across the entire length of the tart.
Decoratively arrange your olive halves in the centers of the X designs, and dot with capers.

Throw some sprigs of fresh thyme over the tart.

Bake in a 400 preheated oven for about 20 minutes.
Remove tart pan and bottom after cool enough to handle and you are ready to serve!

I served the pissaladiere with a simple salad with a mustard vinaigrette.

BTW, I though of you as I posted my German pancake recipe last night. I posted old photos of my great grandmother and thought of antiques...then you.
Your Fan,
I don't know why you still live in the US, quite frankly. You'd get on like a house on fire with women from the South! Loads of Jewish mammas too :-)