Rice Pudding Perfection

I almost gave up on making my beloved rice pudding, the kind that my grandma Dorothy would make, creamy, yet firm, a hint of vanilla and golden raisins.
I never did get her recipe before she passed away, and have never been able to recreate it.
Every stove top rice pudding I have made usually spills over and makes a mess of my stove. I think I have finally found my favorite rice pudding recipe of all time.
This one is baked in the oven instead of boiled on the stove. It is more on the firm side, so if you like a creamy rice pudding recipe, this may not be for you.

I found it on a great Canadian food blog called WHISK. Shari makes some great recipes, and this is her favorite rice pudding recipe. It reads strange, but just follow me and it will come out perfect.
The only fault is that it doesn't make a whole lot. It only filled 4 small ramekins.
You will need:
1/3 cup arborio rice (this is the short grained rice used for risotto)
1/4 cup sugar
3 cups of hot milk
2 tbsp butter
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup golden raisins
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Oven at 250 degrees (it seems low temp, but it works)
Butter a small casserole dish.
In a bowl, mix the hot milk with the rice, sugar and butter. Pour this mixture into your greased casserole.
Bake for 2 1/2 hours, stirring every 30 minutes or so.
Add the vanilla, cinnamon and raisins during the last hour.
I loved this hot, my husband loved it cold.
But we bothed loved it.

It's also my favorite kind of baked rice pudding. I completely agree about the mess it usually causes on the stove when you do the saucepan version, besides you have to keep stirring and it's annoying.