Blogging Pets to warm you
Can pets really blog? Wouldn't it be wonderful if they could blog about their day?
I know I would bookmark it to my google reader!
For all of you freezing your butts off in the bitter Northeast (12 F in NYC today) and Midwest parts of the country (& my Canadian friends), make some stews and soups this weekend, build a fire and enjoy. Cozy up with the ones you love and enjoy the warmth of your friends and family & read some good food blogs.
For all of you in San Diego, Florida and beautiful Arizona, don't even talk to me. (I'm kidding, I am just jealous!).
Here are some good blogs that I read and the pets that add some flavor.
Some cuteness to warm you up this bitter cold weekend.
Enjoy the weekend and happy reading!
Mila's kitty licking her waffle cake
Kiss Cook Blog

Jen's kitty sneaking a peak!
Last Night's Dinner

Jen Yu's dog Kaweah from Use Real Butter

Kathryn's new kitten Pippi who thinks she is in Playboy.
The Sassy Kathy

Rosemary's dog Webster the potlicker!
Content in a Cottage

Linda's handsome boy Rocky, with his own plate of pasta w/ swordfish (lucky cat!)
Ciao Chow Linda

and last, but not least.....Shasta Peanut Louise, the 19 year old blogging queen of Stacey Snacks keeping warm on a cold Saturday morning.
I know I would bookmark it to my google reader!
For all of you freezing your butts off in the bitter Northeast (12 F in NYC today) and Midwest parts of the country (& my Canadian friends), make some stews and soups this weekend, build a fire and enjoy. Cozy up with the ones you love and enjoy the warmth of your friends and family & read some good food blogs.
For all of you in San Diego, Florida and beautiful Arizona, don't even talk to me. (I'm kidding, I am just jealous!).
Here are some good blogs that I read and the pets that add some flavor.
Some cuteness to warm you up this bitter cold weekend.
Enjoy the weekend and happy reading!
Mila's kitty licking her waffle cake
Kiss Cook Blog

Jen's kitty sneaking a peak!
Last Night's Dinner

Jen Yu's dog Kaweah from Use Real Butter

Kathryn's new kitten Pippi who thinks she is in Playboy.
The Sassy Kathy
Rosemary's dog Webster the potlicker!
Content in a Cottage

Linda's handsome boy Rocky, with his own plate of pasta w/ swordfish (lucky cat!)
Ciao Chow Linda

and last, but not least.....Shasta Peanut Louise, the 19 year old blogging queen of Stacey Snacks keeping warm on a cold Saturday morning.

Good genes, like her Mama!
"Caused trouble, slept" Noodles.
"Behaved myself, cuddled and slept" Bob.