Old Fashioned PICKLED EGGS

You read it right. Pickled eggs. Very 1950's.
They are so pretty and tasty, how can you not love them?
Perfect on a spinach salad.

There are so many old fashioned recipes for pickling eggs. I make mine the easiest way.
Add the liquid from a jar of pickled beets, 1/2 cup cider vinegar, ground black pepper and 6 whole cloves to a container.

Add 6 peeled, hard boiled eggs to this mixture.
Seal tightly.
Keep in fridge at least 48 hours and not longer than a week.

Aren't they pretty?

Some pubs here in TO still have large jars of this stuff...traditional fare with the Brits too!
The cannoli down below looks AMAZING!
If you haven't tried pickled eggs, they are awesome, and you really try them. And you should start with a pink one.