Chocolate Chili Cake

Something must be wrong with me. I don't even like to bake, and this week I baked 3 cakes!! There are 2 people living in this house! I do give a few slices away to drop-ins, but basically, we have devoured 3 freakin' cakes.
I will not get on the scale. My sister in law Linda emailed me and said that she baked 3 cakes too, and that they are evil, they call her downstairs in the middle of the night. These blogs are killing us.
I love the surprise of spices and herbs baked into desserts.
My chocolate orange cupcakes w/ rosemary are so good, and I also make great lemon rosemary custards. Savory and sweet go so well together. I have had cookies w/ black pepper in them and they were so delish!
I was reading blogs the other night (unlike every other night!), and I found an interesting sounding recipe for a chocolate chili cake from JaneSpice.

I used Scharffenberger 99% unsweetened chocolate, because I had some squares leftover, and the results were very chocolately.

Though I could not taste much chili (maybe my chili powder was too old), I would definitely make this cake again, maybe with additions of cinnamon & cloves. It was so easy, and very moist, much like a flourless chocolate cake or the best brownie.
I love any cake baked in a loaf pan, they never stick!

Love ya