BEST Roast Turkey Breast

People always ask "How come your turkey is always so moist? Why isn't it dry?"
Well, do you want it to be DRY? I can arrange that if you like.
For Thanksgiving, I always made a huge turkey in a Reynolds Oven Bag that barely fit in my oven. It was always a problem heating up the side dishes, when the damn oven was occupied.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a DOUBLE oven? I have a friend who doesn't cook, and she has a shiny, new, baby blue, enamel La Cornue double oven. Yes, folks, $10,000. and that girl don't cook!
Last year, my small house held 16 people for Thanksgiving. We moved out all the living room furniture and rented tables and chairs. Put pretty table cloths on all of them and lovely centerpieces, and here is how I solved my big turkey problem.
I made 2 turkey breasts. No dark meat, and no one even noticed. No one fought over a leg or a thigh. There was too much wine, hors d'oevres and delicious bird to care.
Since that day, I have been making turkey breasts for dinner during the week, yes, a turkey! How easy, and I swear, they are NEVER DRY. If you follow my recipe, you will be hooked and it makes the very best leftovers the next day for delicious roast turkey sandwiches.

First, start with a kosher turkey breast ON THE BONE WITH SKIN (if you don't have the skin, then I can't help you).

I find kosher turkeys or organic are the best. I only buy Empire, or Bell & Evans chickens & turkeys, and a brand called Aaron's, that Trader Joe's sometimes carries. It makes a big difference. They are leaner and cleaner, trust me.
I make a fresh green herb mixture to stuff under the skin and in the middle of the breast. This consists of whatever you have. My usual herb mixture is:
a handful of chopped fresh parsley
a handful of chopped fresh sage
a handful of chopped fresh rosemary
(if I have basil, I use that, I have even used leftover cilantro).
1/2 onion, chopped fine
2 cloves garlic, chopped
kosher salt & pepper
4 tbsp of olive oil
Mix all together in a bowl. Lay your turkey breast in a roasting pan and rub this mixture underneath the skin and in the pocket fold of the breast. You should have about 1 cup of herb mixture. Rub the remaining herb mixture on the top of the turkey skin. Season with kosher salt and rub with a little olive oil.
Pour about 1/2 cup of any type of stock around the breast and roast in a 375 oven for 75 minutes (for a 3-4 lb. breast). Take out when meat thermometer registers 160 degrees.
Keep on counter 10 minutes before slicing.
If you like gravy, whisk a tbsp of flour into roasting pan and simmer on the stove. Keep whisking until desired consistency.
Pour over sliced turkey on platter. It's better cold! It is NEVER DRY. Comes out perfect every time! Make this with those little savory bread puddings.
Happy Turkey day, early!

Serve with roasted sweet potato wedges.
400 degree oven. Slice sweet potatoes and sprinkle w/ kosher salt and olive oil.
Roast until crispy.

The best part is the sandwich the next day!!!!
I love your blog too..
Hugs, Marie
Thanks for the nice words about the blog......
regarding stuffing:
I love stuffing, but there is really no place to stuff the bird, since there is no cavity. It's really a half of a breast. I guess you can stuff it underneath the turkey!
I am stuffing a chicken right now w/ potatoes and olives, so that will be another post.
On an off-topic note, I'm sorry to see your comment section getting spammed. (see comments just above mine)
Stacey, I "stumbled" upon your blog and I'm so glad I did. You see.. I hate to cook! But I have tried a few of your recipes with great success and now I think I may have moved to a new level .. it's called, "well, i like to cook a few things." :)
Thanks for your blog... I read it every day!